Hair loss

World of translation : Health
, 21:16

hair loss

Sometimes hair loss among women becomes a great problem. You must have the right hair care to grow long and well-groomed hair and prevent hair loss .

The first step is to identify the causes of hair loss, which specialists assume some hundreds. An important factor here is genetic predisposition and the presence of scalp diseases and hormonal disorders. Often hair loss appears in the period after childbirth, the menopause, as well as allergies to medications. Hair may start to fall for the following reasons: frequent hair coloring, frequent use of iron, drying and blow-dry, perm, lack of nutrients.

Pay your attention to what you eat. Remember that products coming into the body, shall contain the necessary minerals and vitamins.
Scalp massage can help eliminate the problem of hair loss in women. The fact is that this massage improves circulation and activates the hair follicles. To achieve the best effect, massage should be done with a variety of oils: sesame, almond, castor, burdock, coconut.

A variety of cosmetic remedies will help you to cope with hair loss. Use special shampoos, conditioners, masks and lotions. Nowadays, you can choose for yoursef a remedy that will suit right for you. It is best to acquire these  remedies in pharmacies or specialized stores.

You should remember about masks that you can easily do yourself at home. Such masks are not much different from any purchased cosmetic product and are the most affordable. Most importantly, the use of the masks of your own production has a beneficial effect on your hair.

Sometimes, excessive hair loss may be due to a serious skin disease, so be sure to consult a doctor, trichologist, to accurately identify the cause of hair loss and begin the correct treatment.

Video: "Women Hair Loss Solutions"

Author: World of translation
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  • avatar
    Julia - 27.12.2012, 02:13
    Its realy problem. Good tips!
  • avatar
    Julia - 5.01.2013, 16:52
    Genetics has a strong impact on hair lose and nobody can't prevent this if our gens store an information that hair must be lost.
  • avatar
    Julia - 10.01.2013, 22:56
  • avatar
    Jacky - 11.01.2013, 23:38
    Good post, very helpful info.
  • avatar
    Holly - 12.01.2013, 09:23
    Its natural process and its very hard to stop it.
  • avatar
    Iris - 22.01.2013, 04:22
    Perfectly. It informational resource, I'll bookmark it and visit it again!
  • avatar
    Julia - 22.01.2013, 13:44
    Good advices. Thanks for info!