The main advantages of AHD surveillance cameras


Installing a surveillance system or simply camcorder is an excellent method to prevent theft or illegal entry into the territory of private property. Moreover, for the preservation of the property installation of CCTV systems will also help to protect your nervous system from unnecessary stress.

AHD video surveillance: Features

Analog High Definition (AHD) camera is a device that provides transmission of high-quality images that with analog interface goes directly to the processing device. By installing a video surveillance system, which consists exclusively of analog cameras, it is additionally necessary to mount a device to digitize the data from these cameras (spec. card to capture video stream or video recorder). This equipment is necessary for one simple reason - the camera simply does not launch the video.

Conventional vs analog AHD camera

there is a similar and distinctive moments. Both cameras have analog data interface, namely coaxial cable. And these cameras differ, first and foremost, image quality. In addition, can be installed outdoors and indoors, and they release in different form factors. The main "+" of these cameras over analog is the use of the 1st cable to control device, audio and video.

AHD vs IP camera

With the advent of the Internet began to use IP camera. But are they so good? The IP devices have significant drawbacks:

  • data Transmission at relatively short distances. But the AHD camera can freely transfer the video signal to 300 - 500 m, which in turn simplifies the installation of infrastructure;
  • There are slow downs and delays during transfer of the image.

But the main "+" AHD cameras is the opportunity for painless transition from analog signal to digital using the same coaxial cable. With such transition, you will get an image that is comparable to digital devices and significantly better than ordinary analogue CCTV cameras.

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Author: World of translation
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