Cursed movies.

World of translation : Cinema
, 14:50

cursed Hollywood movies

British newspaper The Independent published a rating of cursed Hollywood movies. It includes films during the filming of which occurred some incredible tragic events: crashes or accidents. It is worth noting that Hollywood has long been a tradition of cursed movies.  It is believed that something strange happens during the filming, that is capable to cause the evil spirits, which try to prevent the movies release.

1 place

The Wizard of Oz movieAnd so, terrible well-known children's film " The Wizard of Oz" of 1939 was on the first place of the ranking. It is considered one of the first cursed melodramas. Actress Margaret Hamilton, who played  the role of Evil Western Witch, received serious burns. This happened due to overheating of her makeup.  The Wizard of OzSince then, the number of accidents began to rapidly increase. Most often, something strange was happening exactly with performers of the role of Evil Western  Witch.

2 place

poltergeist movieOn the second place was the trilogy " Poltergeist" of 1982-1988 period. In six years, of filming had died at once four actors who were somehow related with a series of Poltergeist. The most famous was the death of Heather O'Rourke, which at that time was only 12 years old. Girl played a role Carol Ann. The second victim was Dominick Dunne, who was 22 years old. Girl was murdered by her jealous boyfriend. Then Julian Beck, who played Detective Kane, died of stomach cancer at age 60. poltergeist filmHe died of renal failure just a year after he carried out the ritual of exorcism on a shooting area. There is a legend that the spirits were angry because during the filming were used a real human bones.

3 place

Raven movieThird place has got a sensational thriller "The Raven" of 1994. School friends of Brendan Lee remember that one day sudden death on a shooting area was predicted to him. The same fate befell his father Bruce Lee. So actually happened. Eight days after the official end of the filming of the movie, Brendan Lee was killed . He was accidentally shot dead while filming of already other movie.Raven film
Marc Akerstrim (experienced stunt director) died during the filming of the television series, which directors set out to make the continuation of the tragic film. Fragments thrown by explosion hit his head.

4 place

Superman movieOn the fourth place was the sci-fi series " Superman" of 1951 year and further. In Hollywood, even there is such notion, as "The curse of Superman". As a rule it overtakes the actor who plays one character for a long time. The death of George Reeves and Christopher Reeve became the most acclaimed. The first one performed the role of Superman in the 1950s. The official cause of death - a gunshot wound. It happened eight days before his wedding. Second actor was also overtaken by death, but already by completely different reason. In 1995, he fell from his horse, and then he was paralyzed. 9 years later, he died of a heart attack. Margot Kidder, who played the role of Lois Lane, suffers from bipolar disorder. Christopher Reeve SupermanMarlon Brando, who played the role of Superman's father, also was unable to avoid the curse. He suffered of a series of tragedies in his personal life: he went to prison, lost his son Christian. For Richard Pryor, who played third Superman, the doctors put a terrible diagnosis of "multiple sclerosis". Kirk Allen and Dean Cain also became a victims of the " curse of Superman." After the execution of the main roles, they both lost their jobs.
There are rumors that Joe Shuster and Jerry Siegel sent the curse on TV series. Everyone knows that they were dissatisfied with sum, that they were paid as the authors of the character. Perhaps this was the reason for the curse.

5 place

Rosemary's Baby movieAt the time, a fact that mysterious forces figured in films of Roman Polanski, has brought him the popularity. The story tells about a pregnant woman and her child, whom were going to sacrifice the devil. This idea of thriller returned to the director in the summer of 1969, when Charles Manson killed his wife Sharon Tate, who at the time was pregnant. Specialists have carried out a series of observations, and then found out that since 1965, since the filming of "Repulsion" - exists unexplained parallel between the works of Polanski and life of Manson. Rosemary's Baby filmDuring these years they both began to be interested in occult.
It is worth mentioning that this curse had an impact on the death of John Lennon. The fact is that Manson and his descendants called committed murders: "Helter Skelter" - the name of one song of the Beatles. John Lennon died near the dwelling house "Dakota" in New York, in the place where the film " Rosemary's Baby" was filmed.

Video: "Top 10 scariest movies"
Author: World of translation
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