The Immortal Kashchei
The best book in the genre of comic fantasy in my humble opinion, is the first part of the trilogy "Kashchei. Immortal. In the end of times" by Dmitry Mansurov. Main hero is a fantastic character. And when you read this book you find yourself in this fairy tale. It's some kind a special world created by the author with dip in which you begin to believe in the reality of what is happening and completely forget about the affairs and problems. The book will also suit in order to simply have a good time. Its impossible not to fall in love in the main character.
Possessing a bright personality and charisma he, as befits a hero of Russian fairy tales, lives by doing harm to people. During leisure he entertains with suicides. But the most usual kidnapping of the most common, but very curious princess changes his life. And, when arises the question to help newfound friends in the face of a common danger, the main character immediately is cardinally changing. It turns out that he is resourceful, brave, smart, and, if not strange - fair. Although "cardinally" is not the right word.
He still generates different humiliating pranks. But only those who truly deserve it are suffering from that. He has to become a kind of superhero ready to save the world every day. During the whole trilogy the fate will lead Kashchei to parallel worlds. Traveling through them, he will have to confront and cyborgs, and vampires and witches, and kremnits.
And to all of them he will pick a "key." Side splittingly funny and sometimes deadly. Parallel to this Kashchei actively looking for the cause of his immortality. And fate throws him details from his past. Despite the dangers which were waiting for the Immortal Kashchei during the plot, he do not think to die. It will come to the point that the Creator, finally, will tired of waiting and will offer Kashchei to participate in a fight, the main prize in which will be the whole world. They will converge in a fair fight, in which everyone can only rely on his resourcefulness, and therefore definitely it will not be boring.
In general, dashing turns of plot and unexpected endings are a great advantage of this book. And they do honor to the modern author. A huge part of the book is devoted to animals. Shaggy and feathered also have a wonderful sense of humor or simply getting into funny situations. I think these short stories about our smaller brethren will not leave anyone indifferent. The book causes only positive emotions. So, am sure, those who began to read, will want learn the whole story to the end, as teenagers, as adults.
The book is easy to read, as its called "in the same breath". At the same time it can not be called frivolous. If desired you can search motives in the actions of the heroes and think about the sense attached by the author in certain lines. Maybe not everyone will like the image of the main character. Throughout the book, he has many faces. But, in my opinion, it only complements the picture of his character, because he is presented to the reader in many different situations.
The only drawback of the story - is a weak disclosure of certain minor characters which appear on the pages of the book. And the ending of the trilogy concedes the beginning. But nevertheless this does not much affect on the plot and the overall impression. In general, I think, sparkling humor, and a twisted plot throughout the entire book will not let to be bored even the most fastidious reader. The last book of the trilogy is also a prologue to the new series of the author, which I am sure will also be interesting to keep track of. In conclusion I want to give an advice to all lovers of comic fantasy. Necessarily get acquainted with works of Dmitri Mansurov.