Elektroshoker Police 1101: features of TA features technon


Elektroshoker Police 1101 vigotovlennya in form typical Litera company WeiShi scho znahodytsya in Kita. Otnositsa to models "Standart" I got 2! respectively to Derjstandart of the Russian Federation. Device of probleni s alumni, that Yom is not strachn Trin I potapeni. Dimensions not Velic, vsogo lachey 170х36х29 was mm at 175 gram. Zadamlya vicodan in quality mogopodi two plates in 55 mm. Vdmn Pudge for modernogo vikoristannya against tvarin I hulgan in the dark hour of dobi. Pastaia UC coloca Kyshenya, so I inochi sumacs. By the way, pridbati elektroshoker you can at the Internet magasin: magazin-shokerov-v-spb.ru.


rosrob for this reason model Bula vikoristannya note SUPER TORCH. Won dozvole in automatic regim vimercati vnutri Opir TLA have suprotivnika. Proantar otrimin Dan, Shocker separatist regulu programa vplive, controluce potrebno potent I strength book:. The maximum regim he working only for otnosheny to duzhe Veliko lyudin ABO SVR. That same brand of wykluczenie zanadto little book: the, that will not give potrebnogo result, I zanadto great, that SMG bi wbite of supernice. Vsogo lachey 1-well second vplive, rozumny mehanizm to neruhomist of naparnika, WWI Yogo in sokovi mill about 6 minutes. Wherein VIN is probity odyag toushirou 60 mm. Minimalna number Mogilevich rozryadu - 300 pieces.

Techno features

Stress of elektroshoker Police 1101 sklada 85,000 Volts when paternost 11 Watts. Number elektriki 37 tis. µc when castor skrotorama 350 - 400 Hz. Have lhtr vykorystovuyutsia type Oswin Cree - 2 z pateint plastic 70 lumens. Liter zabezpiecze bezpereryvno Oswin push stroke 6.5 hours. Wbudowany batteries, LTI-ion type, zabezpechiti Chudov robot techni on Prots trivago period of time. The SUPER TORCH to permit sodality vitrata ENERG I of napraviti . in potrebne direction.

Package contents

  • elektroshoker Police 1101;
  • zaradny divice for pjatachki from merezhi 220 Volt;
  • cell scho Yogo dozvola an on Poas (he will need, if vlasnik bere divice on polyanna dwellers Yogo not vtratili);
  • Instrukcja rosiyskoyu movoyu, yaky expressed VSI porobic vikoristannya;
  • package;
  • garantine pass.

Translated by "Yandex.Translate": translate.yandex.ru.

Author: World of translation
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