Elektrotehnichna obladnannya TA Yogo resinoide


Elektrotehnichna obladnannya - TSE complex vzaimozachet I domovnica single one:

  • means;
  • cars;
  • priladiv;
  • transformator;
  • KVP;
  • cable-provantage products;
  • printrow Zahist I signalset, sadana in Dini technologiczny them.

Elektryczne obladnannya for priznachena], peredach, rozpadu peretvorennya elektricno ENERG in INSHI . ViDi. When neophot, elektricne obladnannya, state zminyuvati kind I force the Struma, the stress that frequency.

Elektricne obladnannya to log in to the warehouse literally vsih ngeneric systems. Najprostszym butt elektrotehnichnogo obladnannya Mauger sluziti wynikach Oswin in the system. Dali mi, razglyadev nibin oxirene elektrotehnichna obladnannya I respost us about Demba Maslov A. K. - spivrobitnyky Internet store , in yakomu, by the way, you can pridbati sobi Dunn obladnannya.


ViDi elektrotehnichnogo obladnannya

there is the toll-velichine rsement vidv elektroobladnannya. Natural, scho South Felices vdnet mizh, pobutovoi TA promislovij elektroprilad. When virobnictvo elektrotehnichnogo, ustatkuvannya naybilsh tatrabanka nastup , Yogo ViDi:

  • Klemn boxes, that z DOUT , I rosalejos knock branovan Kabel;
  • the
  • , Transformatori, that pereboryut one stress in NSW, not sminute frequency;
  • the
  • Signalin lilac scho padayut operationally, zvukovi signal;
  • the
  • Klemn box, that sprout installation, Tenne, obslugovuvannya first repair cable-provantage products;
  • the
  • Puskac, that distancing Micauti I mimicat elektroobladnannya, sahasauto from strum short zamikanja the overload;
  • the
  • Stopn prestre, that zabezpechiti, I jillanna automatyczne otklucheny elektromerezh. Stink vkluchaut:

- kabeline elektrotehnichna obladnannya - one - I bagatin MDN ABO alumni droti;
- electric) - prelude oblc sposito electroenergy;
- blavk insert ABO., that sahasauto elektroobladnannya in Razi viniknennya, short zamikanja, paviment ABO snejanna naprugi;
- vinikas, that promptly vkluchaut / otkluchit electrolyzer.

  • Blocks management by mostoviki I pdurni valves;
  • the
  • , Dvigun asynchron, that bertaut Wali pump, ventilating hogo elektroobladnannya;
  • the
  • Spolocn prestre, that z DOUT I raspalogaet bronovo that gnocco cable-provantage products;
  • the
  • Reєstratori parametriv, yaki osnovni zapisati option elektromerezh;
  • the
  • Regulate obladnannya scho automatic Regula technologic option in saganich boundaries;
  • the
  • Prelude control I Zahist, that automatic, kontroliuoti VSI technologic option, and when I vinicne of nebezpeci for obladnannya and staff that sahasauto h;
  • the
  • Igniters and kontroleri torch, that automatizuotu processes, rozpisywania HTLV I promislovih furnaces, and takozh kontroliuoti mill, torch;
  • the
  • Parvin peretvorjuvach, that smut whani, nadlique ABO diferentsialnye tisk signal smennaja ABO postijno the Struma;
  • the
  • Wykonac mehandi I prestre, that peremut Regulus SAPR organizations submitted respectively to the signal;
  • the
  • , Relay equipment, Yak sada intervali hour zpracovavani wykonawca means regulatorv I sapric printrow;
  • the
  • PAL'niki, that zabezpechiti efektivne pereman I spalovna gazoport sums in the furnaces of HTLV I virobnichih furnaces;
  • the
  • Kalpataru the tisk, that perevet, manometry;
  • the
  • , Vasaline desouche that obladnannya, Yak VDMA pewno number sypuchih materials I upakov h;
  • the
  • Vague obladnannya, Yak kontrolu number of raw scho scho to nahodit I dantata spozhivachiv products;
  • the
  • ) Transporter, that kontroliuoti number asiku, boxes, packets I mskv s ready products, scho Sisli z Convera.

Translated by "Yandex.Translate": translate.yandex.ru.

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