How to find time for Hobbies?


If you are learning English, it is best to dedicate the evening to this lesson. Scientists say, the best time to explore new materials when the brain is on the rise mental activity. For different people this happens at different times. Some people like never cheerful in the morning, while others can be included only in the evening. It all depends on you a lark or an owl. Also if you play poker, you need to know English, most rooms today are not translated into Russian language. Let's try to make time for poker and English language training.


Control time

for Example, a good fit between classes. They help relax and reset the brain. In order to properly plan your time you need to paint detail the day. Then please note, that spend free time. Time control is a great idea for during the day to realize all their business and to make a breakthrough in poker. If time controls you, then chances are you will not be able to reach certain heights in the professional arena.

the fact that poker players who are able to organize day always achieve better results than players who postachayut it go.

fully Track everything you do during the day, at least one week, in order that you could draw up a precise timetable of how you spend time. The result is sometimes very surprising, many players are beginning to strongly think about the place where they spend time. Is the only benefit, because yourself is sometimes very difficult to evaluate and seem to be doing all right.


Only a few minutes are needed in order to draw up a time table. Every two hours set the alarm clock, to record that you have done and going to do in next two hours. So you will get the most accurate picture of the previous day. This is especially true for those people who play poker all day and consider this game their job. If poker is your life and career, then necessarily you must be able to manage time. If you go in the morning, get up at different times and can not exercise due to the fact that slept, it is unlikely to reach the professional level in poker.

Translated by "Yandex.Translate":

Author: World of translation
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