"Navkolishn Svit" bocinas in Klas


Navkolishn world in pochatkova skol - tradiciniu the subject, Yak for thisname osti, so I for osti NSIH countries. (There can be sadati I Kamenskogo, I Ushinskogo). Good courses Navkolishn world for pochatkova school traditio je meeting place for sposterezhennya, vimiryuvannya, negotiated, Vesnina gotes ( UC VI dumaete, chomu? ), not newt for the experiment. By the way, you can sit of semovita working sosit for the subject Navkolishn world for 1-s class.

Today W realtors Novi design MSTU rate scho Dobraja of priorities Dingo to look at Svit, metapragmatic rezultatu, Zagallo, prirodnich-Naukovo metodolog panana world. Nevertheless it's important, scho sdissues ntegrate MSTU this course s USA Hemi courses pochatkova school:

  • Mathematics;
  • MOV;
  • art;
  • Technology;
  • Ficha culture I life safety.

So, the subject Navkolishn world Obama INSHI skin first serve for them gerela I krzewow Mehta so very, Yak navkolishn world to serve gerela I Mehta osti and picni I informacini world otoco slo budula, scrine informacine seredovischa I vsamom s them.

Sense the natural world of course Navkolishn I correctly vkljuciti in INSHI Kursi. Base model one basic vchitelya TSE Robit prirodnim and neophane on URI mathematics ABO lterature citanna vgcreate sosit (elektronniy) ABO pidruchnik for Navkolishn world pdreli Yednist osogo navchannya I osagaia world.

Welayta Akram skin first, mi vdemo them priority species diyalnosti, souvenir first of all in the CIR objects Vdovin psycnet nformation instrumental diyalnosti, for example, in technology or mistectv mi can evaulate desipis Yak key fxac naybilsh Valevich elements scho vdbase. TSI ViDi TA instrument diyalnosti next sahadat zastosuvannya have vsih subjects, primarily in welchen navkolishn world.

Course Navkolishn Svit - TSE nivalis box desagana metapragmatic rezultatu, formuvannya unversally navchalnykh di (scho vykorystovuyutsia shadan strumenti). Same in the nom children to uchatsa baciti, sapam atomobili, razumeti, prekonavani NSA in comes I perekantovatsya scho ti is not right. For example, children mozhut lead, experiment on the topic Plava Scho and scho tone? , Wisowaty I obgovarivali Gotti, perehoditi from actnow to klogo analso, pobutovi models I prognozu scho dozvolyayut poyasnosti povedinka I Derev anago bar, I metelevo cowna.

Kors Navkolishn world of children nabuwat high-powered I assault (Zimov I nezirov) nstrument sposterezhennya I vimiryuvannya. At nomu rozvivayutsya I kambouris statnot to bahanna and sealing (photo, video, drawing) very difficult-grafonola simvolov podany, the verbal numeric description: I modelyuvannya navkolishn world.

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Author: World of translation
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