Tunguska meteorite


Tunguska meteorite

Morning of June 30, 1908, the district between the Lower Tunguska and Lena (Central Siberia) rivers. Tunguska meteorite a huge ball of light appears in the sky, which accompanies the movement with a loud noise. After a short time, at an altitude of about 7 km, there was an explosion. The disaster  carries devastating consequences, burning huge arrays of forest. Explosion power was hundreds times greater than the power of the atomic bomb. The next night residents of Russia and Western Europe cities will become witness of unusual glow in the sky.

Tunguska meteoriteCauses of the accident still remain mysterious, dozens of hypotheses are put forward by scientists from around the world. Let's look at the most interesting of them, thus bringing the answer to the question: "What happened in that ill-fated morning"?

  Immediately after the incident, the main version of the accident was considered the fall of the meteorite. In 1927, an expedition was organized under the leadership of the Soviet geophysicist L. Kulik.Tunguska meteorite craterThe purpose of the expedition was to find a place of meteorite falling. Comparing the force of the explosion, scientists have searched for a good size crater and have remained surprised to see the charred broken trees on lifeless plain. Closer to the epicenter of the explosion, there were trees at all standing on a root, but they have been dried. A little further, the researchers noticed a bog. L. Kulik makes the assumption: that it is precisely the crater where celestial body has fallen.

Tunguska meteorite craterLater, he organized two more expeditions. At a result of last one - the crater was drained, but no traces of meteorite falling was found. The hypothesis has been called into question as a result has appeared a lot of other assumptions.

One of these is a nuclear explosion. In the area of the tragedy atmosphere looked like a consequences of an atomic catastrophe.Tunguska meteorite But how this could happen in 1908, if nuclear weapons have invented only a couple of decades? Could anyone get ahead of the history? In this regard, the idea gets another push. Tunguska meteoriteMany talk of an alien spaceship crash works at the nuclear engines. In 60th years repeatedly held investigations of local plants, but an excess of radioactive carbon was not identified in them. The theory of a nuclear explosion also has not been confirmed.

Никола ТеслаThe end of the 19th - early 20th century is a time of inventions of the greatest Serbian scientist Nikola Tesla. The next hypothesis namely relates his work with the events in Siberia.

In 1884, the scientist moved to the U.S., where he conducts a number of scientific breakthroughs, including: generator, turbine disc, radio, television, centrifugal pump, etc. But the most important, as Tesla firmly believed was the reality of wireless power transmission, this idea becomes the meaning of his life.

Tower of Nikola TeslaThe first experiments begin in 1898, on the elevated plateau in Colorado Springs. There was built a wooden tower, in which Tesla established a large transformer. According to eyewitnesses, during the night the tower was surrounded by extraordinary radiance, and the huge lightning stretching near the top.

After a few years the scientist starts building a more powerful transmitter (Long Island, near New York City). Billionaire J. Morgan takes on himself the sponsorship of the project. The official direction of research is to create a center of the world communication, but Tesla is more interested in power transmission, rather than in radio communication. By 1906 Marconi succeeding in radio transmission across the ocean - Tesla shares fall in value. Morgan makes the decision to stop funding the project. Tower at that time was almost built.

Tunguska meteorite craterCould a Serbian scientist make a risky step and held an experiment on transmission of large amounts of energy to sparsely populated point on Earth? Anyway, this hypothesis has no refuting facts and seems very real.

Tunguska meteoriteSince the Tunguska catastrophe has passed more than a century, but even in this time hundreds of scientists go to the epicenter of the eventtrying to find the reinforcement of their own ideas. Some of them want to find stones of extraterrestrial origin, others - generally have been analyzing the chemical composition of the vegetation and terrain, some are looking for pieces of an alien spaceship. Raises a lot of questions, but Taiga  to the present day continues to remain silent about the mysterious events of a century ago.

Video: "Big Bang in Tunguska"

Author: World of translation
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  • avatar
    Kate - 22.11.2012, 04:46
    This meteorite is one of the most misterious events of our time.
  • avatar
    clara - 15.12.2012, 12:26
    This event was realy misterious i thinks version with Tesla is very interesting and can be truth.