What is the irregular verbs in English

< p style = "text-align: left;"> In the modern world, the role of the English language is incredibly high at all possible levels, from the household to vneshnepThe political. It is an indisputable fact, exactly the same as the real difficulty in his training and development. The objectivity of this fact due to the complexity of the structure of the English language at all structural levels.

One of the structural forms in any language, including English and are lexical paradigmThat is, a set of forms of the same word in any grammatical form (disambiguation). In the Russian language, for example, there is a paradigm declination displayed in the recording of cases.

Irregular verbs

In the English language, a distinctive feature is the existence of a paradigmwe declension of verbs in particular declination of so-called irregular verbs, the rules of declination, which is fundamentally different from the conventional to the language. If, for example, the correct verb is inclined by changing its end, the irregular verb leaning by partial or complete change of the whole word. For example, the verb "take" inthe second and third form of inducement is given, respectively, "took" and "taken ''.

, of which about 190 have practical widespread use. Due to unpredictable formation, all these verbs, rather all their forms simply just have to learn. Number needed to study verbs is not inAlways has to reach a value in 190-200 words. The fact that, depending on the application, the number of verbs are necessary for normal communication can vary significantly. This trend continues and in general for the language: the total number of words in the 200-300 thousand, wide (sufficient) use up to 10% of the total.

Author: World of translation
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