How to keep youth and beauty

World of translation : Health
, 11:03

This issue is troubling for both women and men throughout human existence. The mass of scientists from around the world: nkinetics, physiologists, pharmacists his entire life studying the aging process and try to find a way to slow down. To date, physicians make a great leap and almost learned the secret of longevity. Take, for example, the dynamics of growth in life expectancy. However, a long life does not guarantee the preservation of youth and beauty. Now NaveRNO not find a girl who never went on, and did not spend a lot of time there in search of tips. Today, thanks to numerous scientific studies mankind has learned that, for example, antioxidants are substances that can slow the aging process of our. As we know, and what is very important to have a greatrect balanced diet, eat a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals, to lead a healthy lifestyle and unsubscribe from bad habits.

Often we hear that « formula Youth » invented, however, often talking about Badakhshan, which so far have been tested only on mice. A true formula of youth- A balanced diet + active healthy lifestyles and all this together with positive emotions. Besides, we all know about the possibilities of plastic surgery, although not everyone is ready to go for surgery. Benefit « bypass » time pomagajut cosmetics and hardware cosmetology, eliminating the need forplastic surgery.

Today « without a scalpel » solve the following problems:


  • Mimic wrinkles – easily eliminated by the « beauty shots » (Botox);
  • Brown spots&Ndash; eliminated the laser system with a special nozzle (resurfacing);
  • sagging cheeks – eliminated by combining home care (with special creams and serums), with salon beauty treatments (fractional rejuvenation, hardware cosmetology);
  • OnSwim over the knee joints - is eliminated by combining mesotherapy with wraps and massages.

Author: World of translation
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