Why should not abandon the fixed phone


I will dwell in the new apartment, where there is no landline phone, young families are not in a hurry We establish itsamb, preferring to mobile communications. Select a landline phone can setevuha.com.ua. And since the fee for stationary risen to almost 30 hryvnia per month, some even letting him down. However, in the Rivne branch « Ukrtelecom » note - the demand for this type of communication is not significantly reduced.

- We are seeinga gradual increase in the number of refusals from fixed phones - says the head of the sales center services Rivne branch of « Ukrtelecom » Alexander Varenitsa. - Last year, there were about 4,000 failures in Rivne region, and for the 10 months of this year - only 2500.

According to the connections, then the first 9 months of last year expressed a desire toset landline phone users in 2900, for the first 9 months of this year - 2100. As you can see, the demand for this type of communication is maintained at approximately the same level as in previous years, although the National Commission for Communications Regulation twice raised the subscription fee this year - in spring and in early autumn. So, now more mobile Preferencequire than steady, but there are situations when stationary - irreplaceable, for example, when our clients connect through Internet technology ABSL or set the alarm, using the services of the State Security Service.

We analyzed who refuses landline phone, and determined that taken awaychilos number of failures of single pensioners. The reason they indicate in the statement of refusal - because of too small pensions can not pay the subscription fee after it upgraded.

One of the arguments why you should not give up the landline phone is that mobile calls to landlines utility servib, various organizations - it's expensive. However, there is a way out - make a pact with Intertelekom or another operator and 100 hryvnia get mobile with a six-digit number, with which you can call both mobile and landline numbers. The cost of such communication - about 35 hryvnia for a certain number of hours per month (Intertelekomagive 11:00.)

Such kind of communication is preferred by many Rivne entrepreneurs, but the area it confined only to Rivne and Rivne region. Therefore, the use of fixed telephone residents have become accustomed to, especially if you often call to relatives in Ukraine or abroad. Some people are so accustomed to this kind ofcommunication, connected to a landline phone tariff « Available conversation & raquo ;, pay 60 hryvnia per month and get 300 free minutes for calls within the region and Ukraine, as well as a discount on telephone calls abroad.

Author: World of translation
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