Dogovor energosnabzheniya


Po dogovoru energosnabzheniya energosnabzhayuschaya Organisation undertakes podavatabonentu (potrebitelyu) through prisoedinennuyu network energy, and abonent obyazuetsya oplachivat ppinyato some power and soblyudat predusmotrenny dogovorom mode it potrebleniya, obespechivat bezopasnost operation nahodyaschihsya ego in the conduct of energy networks and ispravnost ispolzuemyh them priborov and oborudovaniya related potrebleniem energy.
In dogovoru energosnabzheniya energy supply through proiskhodit prisoedinennuyu network, that is, through the wire (electric, teplovye) soedinyayuschie prodavtsa and buyers of energy.
Po yuridicheskoy prirode this dogovor is konsensualnym, vozmezdnym and dvustoronnim. Osobennost dogovora energosnabzheniya sostoit that is a public dogothief and his conclusion cchitaetsya Bound for energosnabzhayuschey Organizations.
Energosnabzhayuschaya Organisation – kommepcheskaya organization which osuschestvlyayuschaya prodazhu potrebitelyam proizvedennoy or kuplennoy elektpicheskoy and (or) teplovoy energy.
Abonentom (consumer) on dogovoru energosnabzheniya can vyctupat yuridicheckoe or fizicheckoelitso.
In cases where the acts abonentom gpazhdanin, uses some power for domestic potrebleniya, will be deemed zaklyuchennym with momenta pervogo fakticheskogo connected, abonenta in ustanovlennom poryadke to prisoedinennoy network.
Osobennostyu dogovora energosnabzheniya yavlyaetsya what he zaklyuchaetsya with abonentom In the presence of only he is responsibleustanovlennym tehnicheskim trebovaniyam power receiving device prisoedinennogo networks energosnabzhayuschey Organizations and drugogo neobhodimogo oborudovaniya, as well as accounting or assume potrebleniya energy.
The price at which proizvoditsya payment, usually regulated ustanovlennymi gosudarstvom tariffs.
Payment abonentami, kromebyudzhetnyh organizations and naseleniya actually poluchennoy their energy proizvoditsya by bezaktseptnogo spicaniya with racchetnyh (current) schetov potrebiteley.
Energosnabzhayuschaya opganizatsii entitled to priostanovit supply outage abonentu polnoy Of Payments to his earlier poluchennoy energy. When suschestvennom neodnokratnom and delay in payment of energy vozmozhbut rastorzhenie dogovora odnostoronnem in order.

Author: World of translation
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