What is the scientific and technical translation


Translation - is the result of arrangements(Ie a specific text containing certain scientific - technical information) or document booster scientific - technical information (eg, patent). Scientific and is a means of learning and use of foreign achievements, as well as a means of informing about domestic scientific and technological developments.

to scientific and technical pensodes meet the following requirements:

  1. The translation must be accurate, but is not a literal or a literal, since the latter tend to be the most inaccurate. Transfer kladayutsya not individual words of the original, and its content. As noted above, the words take on a certain meaning only in the context of, i only benefitsgifted context can be accurately viyasnit original content Adequate transmission Original content is determined by the requirements to scientific and technical translation;
  2. The clarity and sharpness - it is an absolute requirement for scientific - technical translation. Double meaning in the translation of scientific -tehnichnom invalid, and his styles an entirely meet the formal style of speech logical scientific - technical literature. To implement this requirement, that is to make a clear and precise translation, you can only when will be fully elucidated original content;
  3. Scientific and technical translation should be brief. Superfluous words hinder the development of SODErzhanov translation and lakonichnist making it transparent and understandable;
  4. Literary translation literacy - are, respectively, the norms of the target language Expanding this requirement, it should be noted that the literary literate is the translation, which has no form and momentum, for natural language, but is undesirablestepping into the breach for the language of cash transfers such errors in the translated text difficult to understand. These requirements are basic requirements for scientific - technical translation only one translation that matches them, can be considered a full and adequate;
  5. Lexical difficulties arrangements.

As the experience of scientific and technical translation, the greatest difficulties arise when translating leksichnyh units (terms of general scientific and obscheyupotreblyaemih words) of the original text abundance perevodnicheskih errors falls on lexis (vocabulary of the language), as she is the dynamic component of the language of science andtechnology (constant development which causes the appearance of new terms and new meanings of existing terms or common words). These errors include cases of improper shifting of both timing and general scientific words, as well as conventional.

The analysis of the vocabulary of scientific and technical literature (NTD) - shows that the proportion of UTootraslevyh terms, ie terms used only in certain areas of science (for example, the terms of the field of computer technology: a processor does) does not exceed 25%. A 75% of the total amount to YTL vocabulary common scientific uses of the word, ie, words serve various scientific fields, such as: analysis, balance sheet, a program component.

Author: World of translation
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