Profession of office manager


What is the office manager profession, which is included inHis responsibilities? In our time office manager is a true master of the office. It monitors all processes related to the functioning of the company. Duties of the office manager can differ dramatically - it all depends on the size of the organization and taken inside her office and management models. Often it is the office manager: allocates dokumentatsiyu by department monitors the supply of office workers, registers correspondence, records messages and calls, organizes briefings and meetings, greets visitors.

The specifics of the profession:


  • it is possible to improve communication skills;
  • in the labor market office managers are in high demand;
  • office managers gain experience working with documents;
  • office managers with the skills of administrative activity.


  • This is a very severe RAbot, because it requires a large amount of instant decision organizational issues;
  • you have to combine several positions, since there are no clearly described duties;
  • many employees underestimate the importance of the performed work as an office manager, and somee see it as his personal secretary.

Where do office managers

State and commercial companies of all types.

Personal qualities:

  • communication skills;
  • responsibility;
  • organization;
  • presentable;
  • to handle stress.

How many office managers get?

The salary of an office manager depends on the job and company size: Salary starts at $ 400 (the employee receivessmall companies) and in the Ryan $ 2,000 (head of organizational department receives huge company).

How to become an office manager?

For the profession does not need any special knowledge. But it's worth noting that most employers want to see on this post of girls with higher education (advantageHumanitarian NGOs). According to the staff of the site - office manager should be able to handle the telephone, copier, fax machine, office equipment, computer and be able to conduct business correspondence, know the basics of office work, have a sense of tact.

Author: World of translation
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