Look around on the plate Oysters T34 baz³ platform NVIDIA Tegra 3


A couple m³syats³v to Eldar Murtaz³n nucAB about those scho at NVIDIA vir³shili pereklyuchitisya s great gravts³v on B-brandy, i axis through deyaky hour yogo words pochinayut p³dtverdzhuvatisya. For quiet, hto have not read the Statt, nast³yno recommend her oznayomitisya h. I od tablet smartphone NVIDIA - Novi Gravets on sv³tovomu market analysis. Pozits³onuvannya tablet dosit simple: end of the plate for quiet, hto Hoca mabearing-down for five pristr³y Ihor s p³dtrimkoyu 3G, ale is not ready for Demba zaplatiti b³lshe ten tisyach. In dann³y ARTICLES of rozglyanemo plate Oysters T34. Until rech³ pridbati de vie znaydete not t³lki tablet T34, and th INSHI populyarn³ model³: T84, T84 3G, T8 3G, T37 is the INSHI.


  • plate;
  • Chargers pristr³y;
  • ³nstrukts³ya i garant³yny card.

Zovn³shn³y viglyad, keruyuch³ Elements, design, mater³ali

Zovn³ T34 similar to the iPad, yak i b³lsh³st ³nshih planshet³v s sp³vv³dnoshennyam stor³n 4: 3; yakihos dizaynerskih vishukuvan Absent here, that does not stink th potr³bn³. Litsovu Chastain mayzhe povn³styu zaymaº a tenFirst Screen, and over they can be bachiti v³chko frontalno¿ Cameri.

Okremo mene poraduvala back: Won vikonana s matt porous plastic, duzhe priºmnogo on dotik. Zavdyaki yomu tablet mayzhe not greasy i do not vislizaº s hands. Takozh on spints³ mozhna bachiti open to stereodinamik³v (they nepogany stock guchnost³) i basically kameasure.

OOO All roz'ºmi roztashuvalisya on l³vomu torts³ Pristrom: 3.5mm navushnik³v, microHDMI, microUSB, otv³r m³krofonu and pid stub skhovalisya slot for SIM-card memory cards i ' yat³.
On the top torts³ znahodyatsya power button i goydalka regulyuvannya guchnost³. Pong obidv³ Realized s priºmnogo progumovanogo neraser at natiskann³ Chuti characteristic clatter.

Meni duzhe Spodobaev vikoristovuvan³ mater³ali in T34: Matt porous Krischke, progumovany ob³dok i zruchn³ buttons yak³ znahodyatsya directly pid fingers. Until zborki n³yakih pretenz³y, OOO All Chastain sch³lno p³d³gnan³ one pid odno¿, lyuft³v i skrip³v Absent.


All scho potr³bno you know about T34 Dimensions: v³n Tovsta i vazhky. However virobnik so good rozpod³liv breaking bar tablet, scho v³n v³dchuvaºtsya not so vzhe th vazhkim. In cutaneous raz³, tse pristr³y for vikoristannya in kr³sl³ abo on divan³, trimati Yogo in the hands Dovgiy hour bude uncomfortable.

  • Oysters T34 - 244x187x10 mm, 670 gram Wagga;
  • Apple iPad 4- 241h186h9 mm Vahan GRAMI 662;
  • IconBIT NetTAB Space III - 243h189h9 mm Waga 650 gram.

Yak bachite Vahan T34 znahoditsya on r³vn³ konkurent³v and from tovschina - Troch b³lsha.


D³agonal ekranu - 9.7 inches, rozd³lna zdatn³st - 1024x768 p³ksel³v, sp³vv³dnoshennya stor³n - 4: 3, type matrits³ - TFT-IPS, p³dtrimuºtsya multi ten odnochasnih dotik³v. Automaticity regulyuvannya yaskravost³ Absent. In this function the horosh³ kuti After looking at the picture v³dhilenn³ deprivation zlegka bl³dne.

Shcho stosuºtsya of Quality of ekranu then zrozum³lo scho p³slya Retina-disple¿v, yak³ infections in polovin³ kitayskih ten-planshet³v, viglyadaº Taqiy Screen weak. W ³nshogo side, Yogo rozshirennya vistachaº for comfortable subtracting that ³nternet-serf³ngu.

The display v³dsutnº oleophobic pokrittya,what if wi swipe your finger across ekranu, v³n often stopper end of duzhe nezruchno, Especially in ³grah when i vvedenn³ for dopomoga klav³aturi Swype. Kr³m of s ekranu dosit vazhko vidaliti v³dbitki palts³v.

In a direct Sonyachna Promen display sl³pne but Yakscho Chitat s annexe, napriklad in avtobus³, then so syak pozr³zniti ³nformats³yu mozhna. I zavzhdi vvazhav scho pid rozshirennya 1024x768 p³ksel³v not optim³zovan³ zhodna gras, i CCB priºmno zdivovany note scho OOO All « ³grashki » s Tegra Zone i do not t³lki v³dm³nno zapratsyuvali at T34. I think the end of bagato in chomu merit NVIDIA.

Operats³yna system

The tablet pobudovany on basesi OS Android 4.0 without any dopovnen. Oysters have Troch « Border » masshtabuvannyam h, i in the standard launcher p³dsumku viglyadaº ³stotno The Best, n³zh in analog³v. At the time of Danian vers³yu 4.0 you can sm³livo nazivati ??zastar³loyu, i NKVD Meni hot³losya b bachiti on board the Yak m³n³mum tsogo tablet Android 4.1. Until rech³, okremo v³dznachu nemozhliv³stzberezhennya skr³nshot³v zvichno¿ komb³nats³ºyu power button + guchn³st Vgoru.


The tablet zrobleny on baz³ ch³pseta NVIDIA Tegra 3 of chotirohyadernim CPU cycles, scho pratsyuº chastot³ at 1.5 GHz, ob'ºm operativno¿ pam'yat³ - 1 GB ºmn³st vnutr³shnogo nakopichuvacha - 16 GB p³dtrimuyutsya kartka pam'yat³ aboutb'ºmom up to 32 GB.

Author: World of translation
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