Thermal water - Fountain of Youth

World of translation : Health
, 11:49

The skin of our beautiful face constantly rootstockrgaetsya aggression of the world: from the harmful radiation equipment, contact with ill-chosen cosmetics, often leading to allergies and toxic exhaust gases, constant stress and even the effects of heating appliances. As a result, the skin is dehydrated, scaly and inflamed. To protect and restore the LIPICool skin, you just need to use some kind of magic bullet.

The miracle is, it – thermal water. Many people mistakenly confuse it with the mineral. Indeed, in the thermal water contains salts and trace elements beneficial to our body. However, it, unlike the mineral water is much better absorbed by the skin.After contact with the face, the water does not evaporate like a normal moisture and absorbed, moisturizing, protecting and even preventing subsequent evaporation from the surface of the skin.

Thermal water is extracted from underground sources, which are at a depth of more than a kilometer, so it is isolated from penetrating into the harmful chemicals absorbed into the SMOscount of fertilizer and air. Depending on the location of the sources, composition of water in them may differ significantly amount of salt.

There are several types of thermal water:


In this water contains a lot of minerals. It perfectly tightensskin, making it more elastic, recommended to owners of dry and dehydrated skin with strong peeling.


In this salt water is much less than in the hypertensive. Therefore, it is recommended for daily care of oily skin. Many women believe that a User The water needtsya only to people with dry skin type. But it is not. Correctly selected the water can affect oily skin for the better: reduce sebum on the skin surface, thereby reducing inflammation.


This water contains almost no salt, it is neutral, so fits all types skin. It soothes the skin, relieves irritation.


  • Most often, water is used for refreshment during the day. Simply spray water from the vial at a distance of 30 cm from the face. In this make-up did not suffer. Water can be used an unlimited number of times a day;
  • As water is sprayed onto the surface of the face for 25 seconds before applying the cream. In this case, it is better absorbed and starts to work much harder. The same principle can first moisten the face, and then put on a mask, thereby ensuring a better absorption into the skin of vitamins and minerals;
  • Thermal water can be used as a makeup base. Before applying makeup, moisten with water person than to prevent rolling makeup. Wait until completely dry and can start to paint. Now cosmetics will fall on the skin is much better;
  • Elevated levels of selenium in the nome developed finished cosmetic forms allows the use of water as a cure for sunburn, where the skin is inflamed and burned several ultraviolet;
  • Another way to use thermal water – add it to the finished mask. It can be diluted with dry mixes, for example, cosmetic Glynu.Nuzhno say that in the cosmetology industry are already ready means on the basis of this miraculous water. European lines are represented by known cosmetic brand Vichy, Avene, Evian. Every year more and more developed such tools, and the woman a chance to delay wilting and prolong youth. Nature has presentedand such power of this magical water woman to be happy, looking in the mirror at his well-groomed young person.

Pawn longevity – soft "drinking" water. repeats the composition of the water taken in areas with the highest number of centenarians. Enriched sulfates toAliyah, magnesium, zinc and manganese. Nikolinskaya water is recommended for everyday use , as well as for the preparation of beverages and food. Here you can order a drinking water "Nikolinskaya" with free delivery to your home or office in the city of Cherkassy. &Laquo; Nikolinskaya » - The ideal water for a healthy and dolgoy life!

Author: World of translation
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