Political cartoon - a means of political struggle!

World of translation : Art
, 10:27

The concept of « cartoon » - Itof the Italian language (translation - exaggerate), the founder of cartoons considered legendary figure art of Leonardo da Vinci, it « grotesque heads » considered to be the first cartoons … Annibale Carracci Italian painter determined the further development of this genre, he argued that the exaggeration of the original features, strikingflushes and surprised more than the original image …

The Englishman George Townshend first used the caricature as a weapon of political struggle. From the middle of the 18th century begins an uncontrollable spread of the genre of caricature, which is spreading across Europe, the prerequisites for such popularity is politicallyand mature middle-class opposition and the ruling elite of the availability of the periodical press. Development of political cartoons also contributed to the lack of censorship in the European society.

It is worth mentioning that the original cartoons were printed separately from periodicals in the form of engravings. 1790s are characterized by distributedHAND cartoons in aristocratic society of Great Britain, gradually this genre of art was made available to all segments of the population. Then and there, publishing specialization which becomes political cartoon …

William Hogarth considered the founder of a political cartoon before it policyLaga only literary satire (periodicals and books). However, professional « political » cartoonist, called James Gillreya certain that, at the time, came down to « pictorial criticism » the decision of King George III, dismissed Prime Minister Charles Fox … Huge inEffect of development on the political cartoon has George Canning, skillfully use Gillreya for political purposes. Reaching the government as prime minister, he did not forget an old friend, and often resorted to services cartoonist …

The Soviet government did political cartoons commutation meansmunications with the masses, often illiterate and unenlightened. The underlying principle of the Soviet political cartoons, it was understood by all segments of society. That is why in the works of this period, you can see some (clear all) symbols: pipe factories – the results of industrialization, the fortress – Country Councils,red bayonet – Soviet Army … Only towards the end of the 20th century, there were signs of complications caricature symbols for understanding the meaning of the figure, has required some knowledge … As political caricature « experienced » several stages of development in the Russian society, beginning with the First World War and ending nyneshnim day. Analyzing the history it can be concluded that during military conflicts observed revitalization of the cartoonists, the growing importance of political cartoons mocking usually the enemy. During the war of 1914-18. Sword satire was directed at Germany, however, the same thing was observed during the Great the PatrioticGOVERNMENTAL war. We can safely say that the political caricature, was a powerful propagandistic tool « hands » power, it was, is and will be an effective means of political struggle!

Author: World of translation
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