Art as a special way of development of the world Art and Science

World of translation : Art
, 09:15

The question of how art relates to reality than artisticactivity is different from scientific activity and what unites them, attracted wide attention throughout the history of aesthetics. Despite the diversity of opinions in the national aesthetic often heard (and heard) voices that make the art and science two forms of cognitive activity, general cognitive process art as Univrsalnaya form of cognitive activity is able to make discoveries, particularly in the social sciences; that as a kind of knowledge of art is to "ensure credibility, the credibility of intuitive judgment," supplemented by logical knowledge intuition of truth; there are calls "the power of the mind to identify the aesthetic and logical at allrelationship ", separated by a" categorical "and" ideological ".

Is there a difference between artistic and scientific activity?

Some people think that between the artistic and scientific activity is no fundamental difference, it is only in the design of its results; art clips in their imaginativeshape, and science - in concepts. Both the scientist and the artist equally enjoy the same methods and techniques: abstraction, generalization, analysis, monitoring, etc.

In fact, at the time Dostoevsky carefully watched the development of mathematics and geometry, in particular in "The Brothers Karamazov", etc.oyavil interest in non-Euclidean geometry, his novels are really "philosophical." However, they have become a fact of art, not because he solved them in scientific issues and to establish a scientific theory, went into the "supra": his works are facing the living man is not cold judgment analytical mind and a man screamingConfused and frightened by the inhumanity of the world. Mixing tasks of art and science, the artist and the scientist eventually leads to the conclusion arrived at by the German physicist Wilhelm Oswald, who in his book "Great people" stated that "one practitioner Koch (who singled and studied bacterium tuberculosis) - made mankind is incomparableenno more services than all the classical literature of the world ".

The knowledge of the human mind - revealing his talent

The trend gnoseologizatsii human spiritual world is rooted in the rationalist, above all, classical German philosophy, the provisions of which were transferred to the Russian soil in the XIXcentury, and from there - to the Soviet aesthetics. And it does not take into account the fact that the concept of "spiritual world", "spiritual culture", "consciousness" is a much wider concept of "cognitive," "scientific," "knowledge," and the man as the subject of life is not solely "epistemological" being what " epistemological Robinson "that between artand science, there are no quantitative and qualitative differences, and they are not in the form itself, but in the subject, the means, and the results of their operation. It is recognized, and the founder of epistemologism aesthetics Hegel, saying that the analysis of the art "in terms of the thought" is unacceptable, that artistic activity requires inoOn the body is different from scientific thinking. As the scope aksiologicheskogo associated with human activity in its entirety, art expresses, above all, value-orientation, socio-semantic, emotional and personal, so it is more suitable term "development" than "knowledge". The development is due to "volition", "desire""desire to" have the dynamics of human life in all its forms and characteristics. Knowledge is called upon to reveal the essence of phenomena and processes of reality, to consolidate it as knowledge in certain abstractions and formulas, which is a logical combination of theory. Read the opinions of contemporaries on the subject, for example.

Author: World of translation
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