Games for learning English in elementary school


The English language has a very important place in thethe education system. Now in a society that is actively developing interstate relations in the field of science culture, manufacturing and technology - English language becomes obligatory sign of an educated person.

What does the English language:

  • open access to scientific and cultural values ??of other peoples of the world;
  • helps to establish cultural and business   relations with other countries;
  • facilitates relations between nations.

The organization of training Deteth primary school age through games is one of the problems of modern methods of teaching English. Igrі affect the development of memory, thinking, imagination, attention, and all cognitive processes. The game is not a simple collective entertainment - this is the main way to perform many tasks in training, so you need absolutesappreciated to know exactly what skills and abilities are needed that the child could not and what I learned during the games .

Game - systematic, intelligent, is subject to certain rules of behavior system. Especially children's games is that it is not the result, but in the content. The game helpsie to create a special space learning activity in which the student is ready to tackle the real complications and important issues. Game - teaching tool that is able to activate the mental activity of children, who are trained, forming a powerful incentive to master the English language, which allows to make the learning process more interestingand attractive, which makes the experience and worry.

Classification games for learning English

There are games , which can help to interest younger students, to develop the activity and observation in the classroomEnglish facilitate memorization and reproduction of such situations in the learning process.

Let's actually look at what are the species that can be used for primary school students:

  • games for the study of the alphabet;
  • games for the development of reading skills;
  • games for the development of spoken language;
  • ury for the development of writing skills;
  • games for the development of listening skills;
  • grammar games ;
  • phonetic games ;
  • vocabulary games ;
  • Role games .

Each of the varieties of games has its own characteristics and is suitable for use in abution stage.

Make the process of memorizing foreign alphabet easy and fun to help special games for learning the alphabet .

Phonetic games - exercises towhich matured help train the pronunciation of English sounds, set the correct articulation of speech in the pronunciation of individual sounds and pronouncing the correct and accurate reading.

The purpose of grammar games : to develop speech activity and independence of younger students, teach children to use in their speech wordcombinations and individual words that contain some grammatical difficulties.

To promote interest in reading both new and already known texts help games < / span> for the development of reading skills .

auditory games teach children: the main highlight in the flow of information to better understand and accept the contents of the statements, develop auditory memory and reaction.

Game for the development of speech promote the development of skills clearly, logically and consistently express theirthoughts, as well as the practical and creative application of previously acquired language skills and the development of communication skills.

make an interesting and fascinating process of writing words and phrases to help games for the development of writing skills .

Lexical games will help to enrich the vocabulary of students new English words, eliminate the difficulty in remembering them.

The most interesting in the practice of learning English has role games . The AimRole games - gain new knowledge and work them up to the level of skill. The idea is that, in order to give students a chance to practice in communicating with others, playing their roles on the script. Game - it is a match, it activates the memory of the students reflects their perception of the world. Participants of this games not only make the message on a particular topic, but also come in casual conversation, trying to support it. Participants interested in the opinions of his comrades, argue, agree to defend their position ... Role play takes place in a creative lively atmosphere, and the learning process becomeseasily and naturally.

Author: World of translation
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