Reconstruction supports the replacement of imported bearings


Reconstruction subjected to supports s withTrapped overseas manufacturing equipment in connection with the replacement of imported bearing on the bearings of the GEA. Overseas production equipment is operated in the pulp and paper, chemical, metallurgy, energy, metal and other industries. In eequipment is installed in a large number of bearings, which have no analogues in the national nomenclature. This objective fact supplemented subjective difficulties. At the conclusion of contracts to firms not put conditions manning supports the ordered equipment to hempnikami similar manufactures our industry. Purchased equipment is not always accompanied by workers or assembly drawings. Sometimes there is not even a full specification of the symbol bearing . When mounting, not all imported equipment subject to revision. As a result nomenkLatour import bearing can be determined only in an emergency stop equipment. Therefore centralize work on replacing bearing of foreign firms in the current-mounted and keep coming imported equipment.

Work on replacing the bearing can be divided into several distinct phases:

  1. The scaling domestic bearing , which without alterations supports replacementsence imported. To do this, the company from various sources (drawings, passports, consolidated and individual specifications, by symbol, taken directly from the rings bearing ) is a list of import bearing to complete their conditionaldesignation. Symbols written in the Latin alphabet with the obligatory indication of the company — Manufacturer bearing : not all foreign firms additional marking write the same letters. Legend miniature bearing housingikov and bearing with small dimensions are only available in the technical documentation;
  2. 2. The definition of supports , subjected to reconstruction in connection with the replacement of imported underbearings domestic. To do this, working on drawings, operating modes and conditions of use supports . Reconstruction should be cost-effective, promising, aimed at maintaining or improving the original design. Some supports s suitableto reconstruct after one or two units bearing imported;
  3. 3. Determination of the range of bearing for the development of our industry. The range should enter such bearings thatin purchased equipment used in large quantities and are promising for a complete re-designed equipment;
  4. 4. The scaling for the order on imports. It includes the bearings, which are equipped with machinery purchased single-piece or in a very limited quantity, unique and dp. small bearings installed in a large number of supports of the same design, it is advisable to purchase in large quantities.

The identity of domestic and imported bearing

Most of the bearing Foreign firms overall dimensions correspond to the same series of our bearing , which have approximately the same coefficient of dynamic and static load carrying capacity and approximately equal to the limitbut allowable speed.
One of the first signs of identity of domestic and imported bearing — exact match content full of symbols that reflect the equality of the dynamic and static load rating, limiting speed, the radial equation hAzor, precision manufacturing standards and rotation bearing in general and their parts, matching materials and the method of centering separators separators similarity thermal processing modes. Non-compliance of these parameters leads to a shortened life span bearing , to the loss of rotational accuracy, sometimes to the emergency destruction of bearing and supports and impossible to restore the old qualities of supports , even when you reinstall them in the bearing the required quality. By identity symbols should be treated as seriously as an essential feature of bearing , but not as a dogma. Therefore, the reconstruction of supports , which are installed andmportnye bearings comply with the rules set out below, and taking into account the provisions relating to the modernization of the supports with rolling bearings.

The rule of equal design life bearing

In this case, the toleranceis replacing the previously installed bearing rolling bearings other sizes ,, which can operate in the same supports e in the same conditions. Technology moitazhio dismantling operations must be maintained or improved.

The selection rule bearing for the design life

At the same time fulfill the quota design life bearing Rolling recommended for this type of equipment. If the calculated durability import bearing has been overestimated, then reconstructed in supports s can offer bearings with smaller dimensions, but subject to compliance with the strength and stiffness of shafts and buildings. It should also take into account the possibility of subsequent intensification of the work.

Rulereconstruction with little alteration supports

In this case, the simultaneous processing of shaft and housing agree with their strength and rigidity and allow in exceptional cases. The best solution, when the inner diameter of the same series reduced diameter increaseSeries in width or retain the outer diameter size.

Rule feasibility of reconstruction of new equipment

This takes into account the difficulty of ensuring the same alignment of the supports and the identity of the installation of parts or machine on their machine and on fundamente. Useful before entering into trade agreements with foreign firms stipulate application by bearing Rolling similar bearings are produced by our industry.

Reconstruction of supports s

reconstruct supports s — it does not mean blindly imitate the selected firm decision. The combination of replacement must always be justified and agreed with the modes of supports , with the convenience of repair and prophad- dition maintenance. At high axial loads tapered bearings it is advisable to replace the bearings of the two types separately accommodate radial and axial loads, thereby increasing load capacity and rapidity supports and simplifies assembly and disassembly. In the latterher time practicing double-row spherical roller replacement bearing double row tapered roller that by providing increased load capacity supports with some reduction in their rapidity, must be complemented by the tightening of standards alignment. If shaftsner cantilever forces and under the workload undergo large deflections, in their supports s instead of spherical bearing < / span> can not be used with linear bearings contact. May be replaced with thrust ball hemipnikov more high-speed angular contact ball but provided approximately equal to the estimated longevity. Node becomes more compact axial dimensions, but the regulation of axial play is eliminated only if you install a supports in the disposable one double row angular contactball bearing with split outer or inner ring.
Obviously complex designs supports with spherical glasses and spherical seating washers replaced using engineering calculations, taking into account the ability of spherical surfaces only localize errors Manufovleniya parts and assembly and the inability to eliminate the effect of distortions arising from the non-rigid shaft loads acting on them. Instead of bearing with a line contact of bodies and the raceways established firms used bearings, spherical or provide more accurate manufacturingdetails of supports and assembly supports on the foundations: seating washers Thrust spherical roller bearing energize. Spring is selected from the conditions of contacting moving at full extension shaft.

In all aspects of the reconstruction branded supports should be considered conditions bearing th industry at the moment and the prospects for its development. Therefore, when the reconstruction carried out by enterprises is best to consult withorganization conducting the job centrally.

Source: Online Store - auto parts for trucks Samara.

Author: World of translation
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