Tasks of modern electronic dictionaries


ency-present state of the development of personal computers and their software makes possible the use of new information technologies not only in large organizations or institutions, as well as within a single desktop. It makes extensive use of computers in the production of dictionaries, and even allows non-experts is independentbut to create a simple database.

Among the many different types and kinds of dictionaries that are traditionally used in the study of native and foreign languages, it is important to choose the dictionary that would at some stage of training provided optimal language acquisition, formation of skills with minimum Difficults time and effort.

Analysis of recent research on this issue.

Electronic Dictionaries - a fairly new phenomenon, but progressive. On the theme of the Incarnation and the use of such publications as Ukrainian scientists worked: I. Kulchytsky, M. Peschak, Shirokov and foreign: L. Zimin, B. Vul, L. No.odyazhnaya and others.

The purpose of this work - have to analyze the development and relevance of the use of electronic dictionaries. Explore the variety of publications and their benefits. Find out what problems are solved thanks to the technology of electronic dictionaries.

The task of modern electronic dictionaries.

DynamicI confirm the identity of science and technology inherent in our time, has led to the creation of multimedia and electronic dictionaries in a certain way are "systematic lexical information stored in computer memory, and are also a set of programs to process this information and display it on the screen. Electronic educationalfirst dictionary combines the functions of information search, display language patterns and opportunities Learning with a special system of exercises. "In recent years, electronic dictionaries got several varieties: CD - ROM and DVD dictionaries, online dictionaries (FreeDict, WordNet, Free On -line Dictionary of Computing, Jargon file), the program (MultiLex, Multitran, ABBYY Lingvo, GoldenDict, AtomicDic,   DICT, StarDict, Polyglossum). By the way during the PDA and smartphone anyone can download prgrammy- translators themselves to your phone or iPad. For example: you can online samsungapp.org, and on the iPhone - online itunes.apple.com.

Monolingual dictionaries

Dictionaries are 1, 2 or multilingual. If we consider the monolingual dictionaries, the most important of their type have interpretive dictionary. In the dictionary meaning of the word is revealed through the native language as well as characterized by its stylistic and grammatical properties and plantdyatsya examples of the application of each word to the appropriate value.

Bilingual Dictionaries

However, the most important gain bilingual dictionaries, although there are multilingual. Bilingual dictionaries - dictionaries transferable. The specific objective of a bilingual dictionary - be aid in the translation, andby spelling and also be aktsentologicheskim directory. Bilingual dictionary should also help in the study of languages, their brotherly relationship, promote the further development of the literary language. Bilingual dictionaries, including dictionaries of new terms are needed for translation and, accordingly, increased use of Zaragal professional.

Multilingual dictionaries

Previously, the number of multilingual translation dictionaries were negligible, the terminological lexicography in the past decade have begun to provide for terms of 3 or more languages. So among the dictionaries is very widespreadXia trilingual dictionary in which the Ukrainian and Russian language added rows often English, at least Latin, German, Polish, French.

According to the researcher the topic of electronic dictionaries - Kulchytsky IM, special attention should be automatiNotices lexicographical activities.

The tasks that can be solved with the help of electronic dictionaries:


  • Timely follow the changes in the use of vocabulary texts generate texts and text systems for their multiple and variegated applications;
  • Do some theoretical generalizations and to carry out various lexicographical works automatically in the incarnation and modeling of traditional dictionaries on computers;
  • Conduct a comprehensive analysis of previously issued dictionaries and to create the necessary copyrights dictionariesThan is provided by the common language lexical completeness registry interpretive dictionaries and increases the quality of correction when reprinting the entire spectrum of dictionaries;
  • Create a scientifically sound basis vocabulary specific language classification of its belonging to the type of dictionary and conduct multi-criteria analysis for phormirovaniya Registry dictionary in the preparation of translation dictionaries and bilingual dictionaries coordinate registers of the same type for different languages;
  • In terminography: compile a dictionary that best capture the essence of the concepts are fully consistent with the rules and regulations of the modern Ukrainian literary lanka; unify terminological compliance with the requirements of integrity, eksplikovanosti, completeness and consistency; create automated banks of terms;
  • Standardize and streamline existing massive amounts of factual data for the preparation of various publications encyclopedic.

So remain topical problems of development of modern computer technology in lexicography. Feature of electronic dictionaries is that without the support of their existence is not possible. In particular, tasks that perform such publications form their benefits, so they correspond to the readerneeds.

Conclusions and prospects for future research.

After analyzing the materials relating to the theme of electronic dictionaries, it can be argued that the need for electronic dictionaries of various types is increasing as this type of publication is cheaper than printed materials, promote the necessary information andfacilitates the learning process. Undoubtedly the development of electronic dictionaries progresses, in competition with the traditional publications. However, this subject requires more detailed study, because they do not create a unified requirements for the conclusion of this kind of literature there are a number of unresolved issues that impede electronic dictionaries completely replace printedatnye counterparts from the market. However, today this kind of publication of reference literature is a priority in many publishing houses due to the commercial success of such projects.
Author: World of translation
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