Life polyglot or more languages ??at the same time


Who is speaking a foreign lancom gives the person a very broad prospects. So the more languages ??you know, the better your chances: in travel the labor market, to communicate with interesting people from around the world. In our life, the knowledge of a foreign language enables a person to feel more successful, easily destroys granitsyi and makes the world a wokpyr us more interesting.


Language Learning - a difficult task, and many free communication in foreign languages ??should support constant practice. But there are exceptions - special people (polyglots), which have the ability to learn and remember a lot of languages. The most famouspolyglot of all time, said Dr. Harold Williams from New Zealand. Even as a child Dr. Williams learned Greek, Latin, Hebrew, many European languages ??as well as languages ??of the Pacific (he is fluent in 58 languages ??and many dialects). When Harold Williams visited the League of Nations in Geneva - hewas the only person who spoke with all the delegates in their own language.

However, this is not the limit. German Ludwig Sch?tz spoke 270 languages. Danish scientist XIX century Rasmus Christian Rask know 230 languages, professor of Lviv University Andrey Gavronsky - 140, Academician Marr Naum - about a hundred known archeEpidemiology Heinrich Schliemann - 80. The family of languages ??as a young man possessed Bohdan Khmelnytsky. A well-known public figure Anatoly Lunacharsky, after being elected a full member of the Academy of Sciences, began to speak in Russian, continued the presentation in English, French, Italian, German and Latin completed.

Moreover, even children have a tendency to study multiple languages ??simultaneously. By their nature children can memorize more words, phrases, and so on. E., Than adults. Children usually catch everything heard on the fly, so the study of multiple languages ??for them is not a problem. I have friends, a catorye a few years ago went to the United States. There they had a daughter, who at 4 years speaks three languages: with his grandparents - in Ukrainian, with parents - in Russian, and in the garden - in English. Moreover, the child can freely switch from one language to another in any conversation. Honestly, it is very difficult to find a loud IMEchildren polyglots. But they do exist, because adults polyglots declare that they already knew as a child more than one language.

So, even if the children can learn multiple languages ??at the same time and have the right to be called polyglots, then why do not we try because learning the language - it is so beautiful.
Different courses and techniques give us the opportunity not only to master essential to us in English, but also to get a certain knowledgeI have other languages, including French, German, Polish and Spanish. It would be the desire and time. For example, the lessons of the words of the authors, allow vіuchit 16 hours.

Personally, I once tried to learn four languages ??simultaneously - English, German, French and Latin, the language of all languages ??=). English and Germans I began to study since the first grade, and English was my first experience and as a result, I became a mother. French I learn on their own, for themselves and having fun, so get everyone on « & raquo ;, cheers but Latin was necessary to me to pass an important exam at the university. Therefore, I must confess,Latin that was given to me pretty hard, and not because it is a dead language, and it has no deals, but because I personally was not interested in learning it.

The English language has always given more time ( 10 hours per week), German - is smaller (3-4 hours), so it is absolutely never learned, but all is not lost =). French taught for myself and do not have much time he paid, but it turned out pretty good. Now try to maintain the last three language at an appropriate level and dreaming of Italian or Spanish ... it would be something new in my arsenal.

So, having some experience in the study of multiple languages ??and tenok sleepless nights because of this « study » in its arsenal, can give you a few tips on learning of several languages ??at the same time.

Tips on learning several languages ??at the same time

Tip number 1.

The first and most important rule-board in the studychenii several foreign languages ??- have a great desire to do so. A desire to need motivation. I have it appeared at a time when school years my teachers of English and German began to praise me for their achievements.

Tip number 2.

Watch out for the correct distribution of time on study of the developmentix each language, if you start to learn a new foreign language for you, you need to devote to this task a third more time than learning a language that you already own to a certain extent. But in any case can not be completely forget about the first language, because it is important not only to maintain the achieved level but alsoimprove their knowledge. If a second language to learn in smaller amounts, the result is unlikely to satisfy you. Also, do not make long breaks in the study of language - so easy to forget what has been learned, and have to start all over again. This formula was derived the distribution of time by trial and error. For example, in high school I haveFissile more attention to their first language - English, and the second - German - much less. The result was not very comforting, because German at school I « really » and not learned. Had to start all over again, studying in the university. There I still made some progress in learning German asengaged in this language тщательно.                          &Nbsp;

Tip number 3.

Do not forget to look for the association and to draw parallels between the two or three languages. For example, it is sufficientexactly easy to find a certain similarity in the sound or meaning of the words, to draw parallels with the study of grammar (the same or similar times, articles, childbirth and so on. n.). So I always studied as grammar and lexical aspects of certain German, Latin and French, comparing them with the English and between themselves. Better yet, under the conditionsand that you do not need to learn any particular foreign language, pay attention to the language, which in themselves are very close to the one you already own.

Tip number 4.

Try to translate to more than one foreign language to another, as it increases your knowledgeI both languages ??simultaneously. In this case, it is necessary to translate into the language, which owns better. After the initial stage of learning the language, you must first learn to perceive and understand, and then to carry out reproduction. Moreover, with such activity, though the brain is strained, but does not explode. Dozens of times tested on itself: still alive and well,went mad, so go ahead =).

Tip number 5.

Make it a rule to use several languages ??successively. This does not necessarily make loud, because you can simply scroll through your thoughts in your head first in English, to continue the thought in German, French and finish. Whenmy university had to take the tests in two languages ??(English and German) in one day, I just engaged in this activity. The result - two tests perfectly =).

So, do not be afraid to be smart, successful and interested in something other than work, study,. Learn the language and make sure that there is nichego better than to speak the language of love in Paris, to communicate with sincere strangers on the streets of the UK, placing in an elegant German restaurant waiter in the native language, there are excursions to the Italians or the Brazilians to his hometown, and so on. d.
Author: World of translation
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