How to purify water at home?


we All know that there are sanitary and epidemiological regulations, which must comply with water. Initially, she says, but because of the leak to a clogged pipe, its quality is deteriorating. Of course, in such a situation will help cleaning the pipes (its characteristics, hydrodynamic flushing of the water system and sewage read ), but their total length is too large, so it's easier to get rid of the impurities themselves, using a system of water treatment. It consists of several stages, which will be discussed below.

Step one: remove impurity

mechanical impurities include sand, silt, metal shavings, etc is usually in the water, the level of throughput which decreases with time. To learn about the complexity of the blockage, should resort to such a procedure as videodiagnostika pipes, but it's not about that, and about how to purify water. In this case, a reasonable solution would be to install a filter. The most important thing is not to be mistaken with his choice.

High demand strainers, made in Germany. They are inexpensive, easy to install and operate and have long service life. About the structure of such filters, you should tell the details, because just knowing about it, you will be able to understand how exactly to eliminate impurities.

Untreated water flows into the special filter element. This leads to the fact that sand and other dirt stays in the grid. The thoroughness of cleaning depends on the size of the cells of the latter: the smaller, the better. In addition, the mesh must be washed out periodically.

Step two: struggling with stiffness

Use of hard water leads to the fact that the containers or the parts of home appliances over time, there is limescale. To lower the level of hardness in one of two ways.

the First option is the installation of the dispenser. This unit examines the chemical composition of incoming water, and, if it contains too many minerals, some of them removed.

the Second option is buying a softener, accelerating ion exchange, whereby the water contained in the magnesium and calcium are replaced with harmless sodium. The presence of this device allows you to once and for all forget about the stiffness, but the main drawback remains the high cost of such equipment.

Step three: cleanup

If the quality of the water from the tap does not suit you, but is more or less tolerant, then it pays to install a reverse osmosis filter docilely. It will remove all salt, pesticides, bacteria etc. the Water passed through it, will be absolutely safe for humans, so it can be drunk unboiled. The purification filter is easy to install and does not occupy much space, usually under the sink, and inexpensive. Of course, some believe that water is completely devoid of salt becomes tasteless, but in this case you can buy a filter that is equipped with a regulator of level of trace elements in the treated liquid.

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Author: World of translation
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