Now having a baby with help from donor — it is available to everyone!

World of translation : Medicine
, 12:11

Hello! My name is Alena, I am 30 years old. Last year in my family there was a happy event came to light long-awaited son Artem. Our baby born from a donor, and this despite the fact that I am a simple housewife and my husband works in a factory, earning a very modest salary. However, it turned out that the services of sperm donors are now available for everyone!

the problem with the conception found in a couple of years after the wedding. Wanted to have children, and to become pregnant did not succeed. Went to the doctor and found out that my husband is sterile.

it is Difficult to Express all my emotions, because my husband very much, and our family is good, but refuse to become a mother, I simply could not! The doctor advised us to take advantage of artificial insemination with donor sperm. Without delay, we ran to the nearest fertility clinic, but was just stunned by their prices. And procedures and donor sperm cost unrealistically expensive, especially, we were warned that pregnancy may require multiple attempts.

kind of money we definitely were not! Already began to think about adoption of the baby, as my eye caught an article about a private sperm donor, was attached and the link to his page on the Internet . I learned that there are such men who donate sperm is not to make money but to help people like us.

They want to multiply their genes, to leave behind many biological offspring. These private sperm donors have very good genes, they are secure and educated, often help their clients. On the page was the contact information of the donor, and I wrote to him.

Soon the answer came with an offer to meet. Told her husband everything, he agreed to the meeting, although he was sure that it was some kind of divorce that one to us for free will not help. However, a conversation with a private donor all cleared up.

This man was very good, nice, sincere man. He explained that he has a good job, bringing him a steady income and a sperm donor was just because I am interested in the birth of healthy babies, which is his blood, his genes.

the Man not only agreed perfectly free to provide us with the biological material, and even helped pay for the procedures themselves. We appreciated this gesture, after all I'm not a single mother, I have a husband, but our donor has entered into the situation, realized how much we want this baby, and helped!

Several attempts, months of waiting and here 2 cherished strips on the test! The doctor confirmed that I was pregnant. Our joy knew no bounds! Called the donor, long thanked him for his help. And then our son was born, and we finally have a complete, happy family!

I really hope that my story will help other women and couples who dream about the baby, but believes that reproductive medicine is expensive, affordable only by rich people. Thanks to the help of private sperm donors the chance to give birth to the baby and a normal family is now available to all, regardless of financial situation.

Alain F.

Translated by "Yandex.Translate":

Author: World of translation
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