Chi Varto ustanavlivat Avtomobilne gazowe obladnannya (LPG)?

World of translation : Auto
, 17:24

our hours STA all bilshe I bilshe automobilw, I vsih turbo problem postijno paviment CN gasoline. Some of vlasnici auto vibrat in quality palivo gas, Yak more deshevi option, and has some accuvote sumni s drive LPG. The reason is rskogo old polowania z drive vikoristannya gas.

For DOPOMOGA kislogo STO "LPG Service": scho symas installation of gas obladnannya z 2008 roku I got great Dowd of work in organizations SFER, spaboom to convey to You doctorno npharmacy about LPG.


Bagato hto Botica wybuchu on pddnos chown

Tsey rakhunok experti supinate, obladnannya scho sucasne has a high level of efficiency Zahist od widoku gas, that risiko wybuchu using LPG - no. In avariynich vipadkah when razriv Mistral podac gas spaciou system Zahist, vdbase vgscene, and a gas tank W not nahodit. Baloni webwhat from soundnode Negro. Zgidno zi statistics there is the toll-3 osnovne reason, in yakih vdbase Samanna transport zasobu:

  • Nenalezeny the eye for automobles. Porush ABO vdata periodichnosti neophane THAT;
  • Strand, outhouses , noruwana Patoka oil, the smell of gasoline. Gasoline vdmo from the gas which for air at dostatnih concentric in pedapatnam Proctor that dimensi SCR vdbase Samanna;
  • poorly fitted installation. NIN TSE seryozna problem. Self-taught, yaki toil in the hands lachey key, MicroTCA, hammer, least knowledge in Avtomobilny electric, zero knowledge in Avtomobilny electrons. After these pseudo-maistru Mauger statesa all, what zahodna.

robot gas obladen dvigun likely snoose

Naspravdi TSE not. Nawt the contrary, the usage of gas palivo produjo term service of dvigun, vdata detonation (oktanovoe number of gas from 96), gasoline smepa maslany pluku zi Strok of dvigun, and the hi gas. Zavdyaki this, cilindri of dvigun not noshouts nabagato Dowse.


Usage gas obladnannya snigu potent of dvigun

TSE mozhna nazvati tercena mfom. In Danian hour vykorystovuyutsia obladnannya 4th pokolinnya, Yak dozvole the dvigun vikletice to povna potent. I WOD of pasageri not wtchout rznic mizh pozdraw in avtomobl on benzin ABO gas paliv.


Valiv of perevahy gas palivo characteristic:

  1. Cologne - axis has one plus gas palivo. Have srgeon has no Scalia toksichnyh recover. Have bagatoh Cranach Wrapi zaklikali, perehoditi on gazowe palivo s Mehta Zahist navkolishn of seredovischa I-rsname zohosuite vodw scho vstanovleni gazowe obladnannya;
  2. of Course, odnu iz basic periwig , affordable price. Then we sasoditi on Mal I swoco, after in has no products and zabrudnennya;
  3. I has one argument on'na koryst gas obladnannya - unversalist installing on whether that avtomobl wtfismaname importnogo virobnictva. DALnet pozdki without refueling virosta UDC.


Quality Yogo funktsionuvannya of dvigun, Krishna potent, BEZPEKA, nescaline for navkolishn of seredovischa I wherein digit Economia - axis, scho Takeo gazowe palivo for automoble. You salissa only choice to do.

On materials: HUNDRED "LPG Service."

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Author: World of translation
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