ViDi I tipi gas obladnannya
Gazobetone obladnannya (HBO) - TSE rsdavid palivno system avtomobl grounds on zastosowan srajerova natural gas.
theViDi gazobalonnogo obladnannya avtomobil
for tennie characteristics podlets on TAC tipi:
the- vacuum;
- Elektron;
- ejector s elektromechaniczny dispenser;
- nsector.
Also gazowe obladnannya avtomobl Nalco 5 pacolli.
theLPG 1st pokolinnja
the Principle of Yogo d of zasnovani on robot mehanna dispenser W vakuumnom UPRAVLINNYA podac palivo.
plus and I pokolinnya:
the- elementary design;
- Niska vartist;
- mozliwosci zastosowania on avtomobilyah s niektorym the dvigun;
- cheap palivo.
MOSI I pokolinnya:
the- nervern robot dvigun;
- neophane launch of dvigun in siln of morosi on petrol paliv.
LPG 2nd pokolinnja
Yogo principle d of zasnovani on robot e-desouche attach, that vsamom z sensor kinu.
Pros II pokolinnja:
the- I nadiine simple design;
- snejanna bitrate palivo, otnosheny to 1st pokolinnja;
- cheap palivo.
MOSI II pokolinnja:
the- high bitrate of gas, schodo gasoline;
- neophane launch of dvigun in siln of morosi on petrol paliv;
- vastly the automatic peremitina mizh gasoline I gas.
LPG 3rd pokolinnja
Robot dano system had founded on the principle elektronnym management unit. The robot dispenser is aimed palivo vsamom z sensor kinu, rantasauna in vipusknogo collector.
Pros III pokolinnja:
the- snejanna of vitrata palivo, otnosheny to the 2nd pokolinnja;
- cheap palivo.
MOSI III pokolinnja:
the- high price obladnannya;
- neophane launch of dvigun in siln of morosi on petrol paliv;
- vastly the automatic peremitina mizh gasoline first gas;
- high bitrate of gas, schodo gasoline.
LPG 4th pokolinnja
LPG this pokolinnja vicono svo? the challenge by way posludio porcupine palivo s electromagnetic injectors. Gazov injector Astashova on collector, poblizu intake valve, analogno 3rd Pocono.
Pros IV pokolinnja:
the- snejanna of vitrata palivo, otnosheny to 3rd pokolinnja;
- automatyczne peremitina mizh gasoline first gas;
- cheap palivo.
MOSI IV pokolinnja:
the- high price for obladnannya;
- neophane launch of dvigun in siln of morosi on petrol paliv;
- resumestate s Digomi, in yakih zastosovuyutsya bezposredni opracowana palivo in tsilindr;
- high bitrate of gas, schodo gasoline.
LPG 5th pokolinnja
Dunn LPG pidhodit to in vikoristannya whether yakih niektorych of benzynowych avtomobilyah, standard ecologcial not, or Euro-3, Euro-4. Vdnet from LPG 4th pokolinnja polega in fact scho palivo podatsa in cilindri in rdcom Stani. Bezposrednio, in most Balon roztashuvannya PALIVNIJ pump is zabezpechiti flow rdcongo gas.
Pros V pokolinnja:
the- mozliwosci launch of dvigun paliv gas in strong frosts;
- automatyczne peremitina mizh gasoline first gas;
- cheap palivo.
MOSI V pokolinnja:
the- high price for obladnannya;
- remontus not practical;
- paviment wymaga to quality gas.
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