Look around wyznaczy reminders Salons in Grez


Salon - one W nejznamejsich Kurort Graz, STOLICA Macedon. Perekati SWAT scho Bulo Misto zasnovane on the honor Salonki - druzini king Kasandra IV Stolt to NASA Yeri. Misto napolnena rsname wisnicki pam Adami, scavini for tourists.

Not Dharma Salon prison titles Evropeisko culture stolic. Here . velicani choice pam'yatok, yaki mozhna vddate tourists s whether yakimi pobijanje.


that first cargo Varto podivitis in Salonka?

  • Belaya Vezha. TSE, Mabuchi, Nivea pam in Atka. Salonki in Graz. A school in the XV Stolt zbudowali Turks. Vsogo such vezh Bulo Sweden three. Basically meta h pobutovi zakluchalsya in fact, dwellers smit fortechna STO. Belaya Vezha is named after ODN znameno pod. If Salonki Buli svelnis from vplive Turks, the tower was pereprobovali in Bily color on the sign is cleansed the earth from Tureckogo zahaplennja. Later Farba smilesa I now Qiu pam ATCO can pobachiti in shinnomu color. Have Wi Rasmus exposits Museum of history that is Mista. Also, need to know, scho at ponedelko tower not working;
  • rotunda. I budula bucuvalas quality in the mausoleum for mperator Galera. Ale VIN CCB of pochowani in Homo f. And the rotunda became hristianskiy temple. On ciogodnichnyu day - TSE one of najstarszych hramu in in. New construction datums III Statham. In XVI stall rotunda became machette. And s the cob XX century, s macet zrobili Museum. STN Rotondi Buli problem s Marmora, ale to thepersonal day not sbaraglia. Also on stag Buli stvoren moski, that varauta nedavnij nastinka masagami, zbereglasya to our days. Wanasari h to the IV century;
  • Arch , Palace Galera. Arch - TSE simvoli sign Peremogi. Pobuduvati , punished Gallery on the honor Peremogi over the Persians in 297 year. New construction pocha in 303 year. Arch prekraschayut barely on yakih zobrazen movie battles. Poblizu arch znahodytsya Palace Galera. M WLL budula dozvola of Wapiti, Yakima which CCB Palace in rocky pravlinnja Galera. Naikrashe Palace zberg s side plow Navarra. Curiously takozh, scho in deyakih casting the Palace zbereglasya palagi s mozami. Also, in Palaz CCB snidani the octagon. He patberg varlist the Palace ti dni. Help our defenders for planuvannya Palace of probleni s nutrim patio, otoczeniem galleries, rooms I corridors. M sberna I MSCI pogrom; Archeologiczny Museum. Museum coleccao znaki Macedon. She budula Bula Pobutova in 1962 year greckim archtecture. Here you can pobachiti RSN, artefakti RSNA Perov, pochinayuchi from epoch arhati I sanci psnm rimskim period. To niccacci snook, rosena in Muse, can vanetti gold Trun FLP II, ruler Macedon, Yogo remains Zolot vnoc I obladunki, in that CCB tagnani Macedon of the Tsar, and also family members carsico ?wischen zi Slonova csdi. By the way, if you pri?hali in Salonki Sami, slasti you can storestates the escort ();
  • [ center I technologiczny Museum. TSE Delavigne Museum, pobutovoi s Mehta oznayomlennya people with new technologies. At the center you can pobachiti retromobil, antics technon prestre I bagato hoho. Territory center velichutina, won vkluchi yourself planetarium, cosmonauts, Technopark, in yakomu predstavlyaetsya mozliwosci panati law of nature for DOPOMOGA Igor, exhibition hall, library, amptheater for the holding of conferences and takozh simulator virtualno realnost. Pid hour ride Noesis proponu help our defenders vdbum Deposite in zatyshne restoran, and before the exit zaglyanut in knyzhkovy shop, de can pridbati RDCs naukow lterature vidana;
  • Etnografski Museum. Tsey Museum in 1973 year, roztashuvannya in budul pid Nassau the old governmental adobes . Yogo needno need vddate dwellers to know about the culture of the pobut italv Grec RSNA epoch. Collection predmetu in Muse about 15000 primerica. Museum be allowed to know about story, the culture of the pobut Macedon I Frac;
  • Church of Panagia Chalkeon. Won Bula Pobutova approximative 1028 year officer Christopher Lombards for vapodest grhv I clinv their family*. The Church of Panagia ABO, Yak shte . nazivajut Church maniku included in Perelik Ob CTV seswg spadini. At 1430 year won Bula pererosla in the mosque Chalkeon. Sporuda Pobutova s cagli. The dome znahodytsya on chotiroh columns. Right up to 1934 rock Church m was perebolela pid of land. Here you can pobachiti staredown frescoes, and also captel colon, prekrasen barelli. On ciogodnichnyu day cerku maintained bogelein, and also are exkurs;
  • Monastir to Latona. Ot Ob CT Swova spadini, that rastsveta in Central castin Mista Salonki. S usih Budivel monasteries zbereglasya lachey, one Church St. David scho - " on this day duck temple monasteries. Sporuda datums knam V century. Call the Church otrimali only in the XX Stolt, while tsogo Bula prisvyacheno to Christ the Saviour. Temple, Yak I bagato NSA cerkovnik of sporud, XV Stolt CCB pretvorenii of the mosque. Primte those scho in ti chasi murals, scho nahodylysya on stag Church, boules samazan and znajshli h tilki pid hour restaurat in the twentieth Stolt. Pid hour robot Boule takozh Snyder pochowana chenzw pid pdlocal;
  • Church Sveto Sof. S 1987 the temple otnositsa to list Ob CTV Swova spadini UNESCO. Church, asvasena in im'ya I Svyato Sof Premudrost Bogo, avla him rdcny zrazok temple khabarskoe period. New construction of the temple, murno, vanesta to promicu mizh 690-730 the rocky. Here minimalno number masago ozdoblennya. TSE POV this s period pravlinnya Lev III, in yakomu pocha consorta. Vntrs ozdoblennya temple duzhe scave: antion I VSANs colony celuyutsya in HRM, captel prekrasen listen, STN Church rastaban pid, marmur, according mstah can soustrot ornament wiggled Roslin. Have sober Svyato Sof can pobachiti mozak iz zobrazenie Voznesenya I Bogorodici. Also vnutri ozdoblennya pricesat the temple of the frescoes, yakih zobrazen faces svetih;
  • Svetih Apostol Church (Church Dvenadcati apostolu). Won Bula so named for paracasei scho as Cathedral MAV 12 cupola, that simvolov Apostols of Christ. # 2 pripomina about the date pobutovi: XII I XIV stolittya. Yak I blissthe hristianskih hramu in Graz, Church Svjatih Apostolu in the XV Stolt Bula zverina to the mosque. Vntrs ozdoblennya Vraja sway beauty: bagatstvo masak the first frescoes to talk about the robot on the Church of the great maistru. Mosai wednesady to ostannih robt in Graz zahoplennyam before the Turks. Mosai versstatus special realisticly. Ospina Bogorodici Saved Nerukotvorny, and also Strana I Blagovschina zbereglasya to our days. Mosca Preobrazhennya Gospodin duzhe good zbereglasya. Likely, TSE obnovleno Tim, scho pid hour zvernennya a Church to a mosque Preobrazhennya Bulo zashtukaturivat and solot deal Buli neatly venat I speregen.

Saloni - CE Misto, prosecute uncannily pam Adami. Expressed Khrami I mouse - TSE lachey small part vsogo, scho mozhna pobachiti. I DTM, I paldam, and people have vs bude scho podivitis. And panati culture Veliko country mozhna tilki pobachiti . story.

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