Chomu need bought the iPhone 7?


Not smartphone Apple - iPhone 7 iPhone 7 Plus the I - vzhe can be without problems bought in Ukraine, by the way, do TSE can be on sit . Mi versile spati time all pros difference pristrom dwellers dopomogty you versity, Chi Varto kupovati not flagman. Therefore...


Collection I quality

Here all, Yak always on visit. Monat the case, kolejowy hand metal I. troch sgnote slopes scho slivaetsja s him, and takozh Novi, spavinaw black colors of the corps.

Matte black aparati vzagali not want vipuskat s hand ABO of hawati in Cogl - TSE spravzhniy vitr smartfinancial is , primalist in crashaw wiggled.

Glossy-black bristro vigladit has more gorgeous, ale wherein decadese Sirauti wabitti policv I podnapisi.


Class Ekrani

Perhaps, the Apple I rozczarowani their samovarniki, vipustili 2016 year smartphone s the same rozsireny, Yak and 2 rocky the fact, that 1920 1080 1334 750 pxlw (the iPhone 7 Plus iPhone 7 respectively). However take slmost pxels in koristuvacha dostatno, Yak I as. ACS point you can Portici, lishe much nelisiwe to yourself gadgety.

Apple savla about Novi Ekran c rozsirenim carnem kaplany , nonetheless especillay foldable sniti resnicy s poperedni pokolinnja Displej - ascraft I kontrastnosti pristrom salissa on visit. Screen not victa newt at maximum Nahil ABO in yaskravy sonyachniy day. Yak I iPhone 6s, Novi gadgeti was otrimali, s Seeley patrickou rozpisywania Natisone 3D Touch.


protection from water

One s navalesi novovedeny in novih flagship becoming Zahist od VOD I saw. Novi smartphone Apple Zahidan with the standard IP67 - h can sunaryati in water for glibina to 1 m per hour to 30 minute.

this means DL TSE, scho iPhone 7 you can not take baetica in the tub, at the beach, forget ABO Yogo bilya nameto pid hour domu. Hello pam, remember, that Apple is not wage neispravnosti, velicanu popaganda inside. volage, garantinis the case.


Touch the Home button I beautiful scanner vdbecv palcu

Samna Ficino the Home button on sensorno, perhaps, Bula vimochana for spasinnya bolagsfakta the body, about the Yak, scho mi tilki said. I have many ogladac spinal taqiy KROK amulet. Pillows rozdollia: Comus won salasa zruchny, Comus - hi.


Max productivity

If write synthetic test AnTuTu, IPhone 7 - TSE nipotini on potoczny the time the gadget from in the scho nabira in the benchmark, about 180,000 points. For porwnania, torcini IPhone 6s Atria in AnTuTu, about 140 thousand points. About taqiy same result I have topovyh Androd-smartfon 2016 year.


Duzhe horos Cameri, let them I s osoblivosti

One s navalesi Pereval iPhone 7 in Parveen s poperednik was basically camera. Won the Yak I as not in the best instant clas, ale vzhe Patna ablities to lderv in tsiy categor - Samsung Galaxy S7 I LG G5.

iPhone 7 vyyavleno one standartni 12-megapxel module s 6-lsave 28-mm Ob ctiva system optiono stables the first aperture of f / 1.8. The iPhone 7 Plus to Demba dodata has a 12 Megapixel z dovgopolyi 56 mm Ob ctiva (telephoto) with the aperture of f / 2.8.

And now in ludski: iPhone 7 (iPhone 7 Plus I) in Parveen s iPhone 6s I especially iPhone 6 steel nabagato better snimati in umovah Pagano Oswin. The difference duzhe Patna, and without nablyzhennya.

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