Kuban state medical University


KSMU is 1 of the leading medical Universities of the Russian Federation and the oldest Universities of the Kuban. The structural units in the composition of KSMU included:

  • 66 departments;
  • 7 faculties (pre-University training, pharmaceutical, dental, pediatric, therapeutic, preventive health, professional retraining and advanced training of specialists);
  • Dental clinic;
  • basic obstetrical and gynecological hospital;
  • Adyghe branch.

According to the license No. 2848 dated 15.03.2010 of the year, also received KSMU and this year, the UNIVERSITY conducts educational activity in the field of pre-University training and in the field of professional higher education in the following specialties:

  • 060108 pharmacy;
  • 060103 Pediatrics;
  • 060101 Medical business;
  • 060105 Stomatology;
  • 060104 preventive medicine.

Also at KSMU has a license for medical activities for basic obstetric clinics and dental clinic.

in Order to organize the educational process, the UNIVERSITY has at its disposal:

  • 12 lecture halls (with a capacity of somewhere 1600 students).
  • 900 teaching laboratories and offices;
  • 12 computer classes.

this University training is carried out in traditional and innovative forms. So, in KSMU very widely used multimedia equipment and information technology (particularly the Internet. For example, on the website ksmu.org.ru there is little that is useful to students in learning).

Teaching knowledge in the field of pharmacy, medicine and the students of the experience gained in this University are taught by highly qualified teachers. So, in KSMU operates 624 professors + teachers, of which 371 candidates and 123 doctors.

among the teachers of the University are:

  • 27 academicians and corresponding members of Russian and foreign academies;
  • 2-WA, honored worker of science of Russia;
  • 2-VA, corresponding member of Russian Academy of medical Sciences;
  • 1-in winner of the State prize;
  • 1-in the prize of the Government of Russia;
  • 4 honored worker of health of Russia;
  • 16 honoured doctors of Russia;
  • 1-in, honored inventor of Russia;
  • 1-in the honored worker of culture of the Russian Federation;
  • 23 honored science worker of Kuban;
  • 36 honored workers of health of Kuban;
  • 2 Soros Professor;
  • 3-ri honored worker of science of the Republic of Adygea.

Translated by "Yandex.Translate": translate.yandex.ru.

Author: World of translation
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