ViDi I tipi electroshokers


Elektroshoker podelyatsya two basic tipi:

  • Contact;
  • Strloc (bancontact).

Dali mi razglyadev characteristics electroshokers 1st type, oslc VIN : ( najpopularniji respost us about them, Romanov A. K. - spivrobitnyky Internet shop: , in yakomu zhiteli Bashkir mozhut pridbati sobi, elektroshoker.


the first feature - TSE skrotorama frequency:

  • nizkochastotnoi;
  • the
  • vysokochastotnyi.

Perch from other vardnili to dosit just perch Trdat and druhi digichat.

Nizkochastotnoi, elektroshoker mayut frequency skrotorama from 50 to 80 Hz I dozvolyayut vilicity in first well second I gotr below Nuprin vdott, software to dosit motorkote to the agresor for a second, ale velikani such vplivom shock to dosit Shvidko to pass.

Vysokochastotnyi toil skrotorama frequency from 100 Hz stupni itlive - parelli, right up to vtrati svidomosti for an hour more 15 minute, ale electrode to bezposrednia contact s agresor need utrirovat not less then 2 - 3 seconds scho not what it is problematic.


Other characteristics - voltage range pcoa the book:. For cu characteristics, elektroshoker podlets on clasie:

  • psychologiczna weapon;
  • disorientate;
  • parazaar.

Perche Klas - psychology weapon. TSE small electroshocker wykonaniu the form factor gubna, pomade ABO mobilnogo the phone s slim provou nadruhou, pelikani more Alacati, than actively cinity Opir, sgoditsya against stray dogs or dokuczliwy salicylic.

Other class - desorientation. TSE elektroshoker s great provou nadruhou from 500 to 700 thousand Volts thousand Volts. Taqiy device on deaky hour introduction of the enemy in sokovi mill scho dozvola Shvidenko vtekti s MCCA "newdale" agresor be useful.

Third class parazaar. Tsey elektroshoker got pravu naprugu from 900 thousand Volts Velika have suprotivnika Paral kncok ABO pavni knockout of nevinchany hour. In Parveen s Perche Eyad, got velik dimensions.

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