ViDi teleskopu I h features


Proponam Your Uvas short Oleshko, yaky Mauger dopomogty Rospatent have vsih types of models teleskopu, dostupnih on ciogodnichnyu day. TSE dopomozhe You not tilki, otrymaty Basov knowledge about telescope, ale viznitsa s Tim, that same telescope I s the yakoy Mehta VI want pridbati.

Price on telescope Mauger Buti absolutely rsnow. As a rule, prices for dostupn telescope pochynayetsya from 12 000 rubles or more, although , I duzhe post model, yaki mozhna pridbati for znow nicou 7500 RUB. Tsey looked around bude prisvyacheno same vdese cheap telescopes, that astronomers pocatky bude especially curiously snimiti s Yogo mstom.

most importantly, what it should be taking into account when vibor telescope, TSE NavNet from Demba visalakshi optics I stikova smoothly pracujacego krepline. Whether TSE great telescope ABO portativny small, first of all You need to know de I for yakih minds mozliwe Yogo zastosuvannya, I will use Chi VI Yogo naprawd. By the way, pridbati telescope that NSW optico techno you can at the Internet MAGAZIN: .



it's important Naybilsh characteristic of the telescope , Yogo aperture - TSE diameter Yogo Ob ctive ABO zerkala. Primarily, it should be podivitis on specific telescope poblizu Yogo focusaudio wuslu on the front castin tube ABO on carobs. Diameter aperture (D) bude vimruntime in milimetro ABO (importnih models) in inches (1 inch dorny 25.4 mm). It's desirable, dwellers telescope MAV aperture not less than 70 mm (2.8 duimel), and better nawt more.

Large aperture dozvola pobachiti poorly pomt Ob objects I razganata deal. Hello good small telescope can show You Ter duzhe bagato - especially if you live far from MSCI vagnv. For example, you can easily razganata dozens of galaxies beyond the limits of Nacho galaxy Chumachkova the Way through telescope s vsogo lachey aperture 80 mm (3.1 duimb), ale tsogo need for perebesti in tamrau, vddl from elektrycznego oven. After order dwellers pobachiti ti W Sami Ob objects in acomus mscomm Dvor, need to mother the telescope s aperture not less then newt 152 or 203 mm.

However, the square od, z jako points VI are sposterezhennya the sky, telescope s to dosit higher znachennya, damage to permit rozkladaci all nabagato better I ctcle.


Tipi Teleskop

vibor telescope You dovedetsja strnotes s a difficult choice. What three basic ViDi teleskopu:

  • Refractory (lntv). Stink mayut Ob ctiv in front castin tube - TSE naybilsh of polirani view Teleskop. Although nizk exploitation bitrate stink mayut to dosit visoko vartist, Yak digit zblast proportio maximum znaczeniu, damage;
  • Reflectory (zerkall). The stench Sirauti light for DOPOMOGA of zerkala in the back castin osnovno sound. Danian type Teleskop, as a rule, nudesemi ale from Demba yea one osoblivosti - VIN vimage periodichno corect optickeho mipramine;
  • Skladov (ABO zerkalno-lsov). TSE telescope, that podoyti in sobi technology two poperedni, problen on snow combat LNS I zerkal. Tak telescope usually toil compact sound wanono lig I love you. However, this type teleskopu negoroji. There is the toll-DV naybilsh popular constructs of warehouses teleskopu: SMD-Cassegrain and Maksutov-Cassegrain.


Stupni focusevent telescope yea the key to understand this proposed Yak potent" telescope. TSE focal vastani Ob Chiva, rozdelena the diameter of the eyepiece. Napriklad, yakscho got the telescope will focuso vastani 500 I mm 25-mm eyepiece, zbilshennya becoming 500/25 or 20 rasv. Blesst tips teleskopu postavlyaetsya s one ABO Eyad eyepieces, Smythe stupni zbilshennya a powerful way SMN ocular s rsname focusname vastaste.



After redbana telescope You need ustanoviti of bude Yogo on mcno support. Usually telescope produt in Complect z which is very convenient Packed into trinica I krylany. However at Teleskop Mensa rozmow often just what montagni unit, that dozvola prikrepit Yogo to a standard photo tripod W one quintom.

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