Opituvannya students, that navchayutsya in Polish


Number of WUSV, yaki take fate in hopetown:13. Sered them - Warszawska Poltenko I Warshawski, medicine University. By the way, you can more details about procitati unversiteta Polls.


  • inzhenerno-techni;
  • economic;
  • humancare;
  • medico-bologny.

Number of opicana students: 80 osib.

our hours are many molodi duty to Evrosouzu and Visu oswt. Hi to anyone vzhe it is no secret scho Krajina nedostupna for navchannya in this plan - Poland. You Prime stepout prices not only on the same navchannya, but also on accommodation of ABO harchuvannya (in Parveen z hime cranny ?C). This opituvannya meta - show, Yak wyglada introd I navchannya in Polish, ceradini.


Question No. 1: Chi dostatno you Bulo 1 rock intensivnogo, vivchennya politico movi dwellers a comfortable and pocuvat yourself in process navchannya?

Answer: HI.

Bagato W opicana tverdyat, scho stink comfortable could afford vdovine, for example, if kupuvali the ticket in the kiosk at Chi capitali polyakiv, if I nastupna de lecture. Ale if right reached diskus z wildcam, there are, unfortunately, many chogo not say anything, so the Yak is educational terminology 1 Kors has not volts. Some seem to scho first year zapisyvali all pdrag natrosol words, that next transferred to perekladach I robili sobi TAC sources for the lectures. Boule th tak, yaky problems vzagali not vinicolo. The stench starjewel scho scho bagato zaleite from the tutor.


Question number 2:

  1. Yak imort uspshnomu join in SDAC spice z Polska movi, yakscho vie, MOV ucili course at Universiteti yourself?
  2. Naslite zkladn testi?
  3. De can pobachiti priblizne power for testowania? (TSI power disk tilki for holding. WUSV, if VI robite s card of the pole).


  1. State polsku MOV prosthe, if prohodish mtie Kursi Universiteti in itself, Oskolki on spit stink give it power, duzhe podn to the Pacific, yaki Boule at navcan;
  2. Testi necklace, if wincati polsku when Universiteti. TSE vzhe garanto blood spite 70 %. Just need vddat lecz z movi, ( VI zdaste. Yakscho well, vcity MOV s tutor separate - when SDAC spite mozhut Buti some trades, Oskolki you can, poterpite those scho VI did not pass s tutor;
  3. Traskov power for testowania nod, villadeati in the group on Facebook, or on private storno VK. Pobachiti priblizne savanna can be on sit the University.

MATTER: If otrymaty sertifkat about blood spito Polish on vdone riven, zatwierdzony whether the Yakima Polish unversiteta (blesst Munich kursu tak give it) - you can not, savati spit z movi politico in your Universiteti.


Question No. 3: If pochine, pracovat primaluna Comsa in Polls?

Answer: Primaluna Comsa pochine, pracovat scrsg in rsname. Utochniti the Cob of work you can have your VUS (vono got booty napisane on broshura ABO W on Sait University). Have in primulina Comsa pochine, pracovat 1-2 msec to the ear lth cancel (ie ere h ear quina - travnia). B y scho Bulo aturn, about 5-6 months to submit documents.


Question No. 4: Chi obov'yazkovo briggate to Polish for podac documents?

Answer: SOSM hi. Mayzhe VSI unversiteta, Radauti mozliwosci the time utilized documents in regim on-line . You can vilati svo? a document by Fax, or by e-mail University. Why unfortunately not possible.


Question No. 5: Chi can podavati a document to be called a few more Polish navchalnykh zakladiv?

Answer: Yakscho VI podate a document in nederjanii University, Turiba, podavati only one in fact scho at Universiteti vimagati the alignment of the document. From Derge. universities trochee in nsomo. You can pridesites to click unversiteta I, for example, can probuvati, slasti testi s politico movi ABO INSHI potribni Spiti. Yakscho VI all zdali - can podavati a document. Yakscho hi - look for a different University.


Question No. 6: Chi : competition atestat? Prohni the ball? Chi vrahovuyuchi seredni ball for a certificate?

Answer: Jaden, nederjanii University not to marvel at vashi Bali. VI just come podate a document, oplakuje 1 year (6 ABO 3 msec) navchannya I Viteza. Ale joined not light this means, that your modelsome navchannya Buda in Polish prohoditi so very smooth and easy. At whether yakomu VUS from you wymaganiami great susil I staring. From Derge. universities may digitise seredni on the ball and certificate of vlastvovatj minimalni prohni ball for the start.


Question No. 7: De VI prozivaete? Yak payment for zhitlo in Polls?

and answers here Buli RSN. Chastina works gurtozhitok, chastina in apartments. That plus and I minusi?

  • Apartment mayzhe zavzhdi, dorogon od gurtozhitok;
  • quarter life Spokane (Yakscho poravnati apartment 2-10 people I Block in the gurtozhitok z cmname 2-4 2-6 people);
  • the Apartment can sniti in bezposredni blizkost to the University, gortozit same rastsveta in pewnych the Chastain Mista I not the fact, that the yaky bude vashogo University of pdice umovami;
  • in 80 % of the apartments, that sdaut, zroblenih Soviet in gurtozhitok vsogo 20-30 %;
  • papasan contract s nedobrosovisnimi of arendodatel, Buti can abdurehim, if not of the nobility movi. At the gurtozhitok - not Chi.

Question Number 8: Skilki people vaseli after 1 sec? After 1 course?

Answer: After 1 sec not yde mayzhe nichto. After 1 course in Serenoa yde half nazemtsev I Corti polyakiv. Bagato hto not Mauger vports z mounim bar room, some razumot scho vibrat not the same. The TSI figures zavodati the fact, that in most cases, learning in Polish - TSE not proste am satisfied, I need to potamitissa ne dosit seryozno.


Question number 9: Yak poles to tabletsa nazemtsev to have your Universiteti?

Answer: a Positive. 100 % of opicana vikladach, so I Sami poles (bandmates) to tabletsa positively. Have in respondents though 1-2 vikladach know I may govorito in Russian / in ukra?nski. The poles sublet, posluhat, Yak we have lives, gotow us first to tabletsa z rozumny before, scho ti mozhesh sabuti, for example word, if vdova.


Question No. 10: Chi DOPOMOGA your University after you have pratsevlashtuvannia zakonchena navchannya in Polls?

Answer: So. Have Polish 95 % Unversity vlastu you to the robot after zakonchena navchannya. Of course, TSE bude robot for FAH. Some Vusi proponuyut the practice scardona ABO practice for FAH in Polish pid hour navchannya. Vsogo lachey 5 ? 80 respondents wapuli scho h the University of Turku not vlastova on the robot after zakonchena navchannya, ABO vzagali not stink stabilise cu maglist.


Pitanja No. 11: Chi ye from your WWS coruption?

Answer: 100% opicana wapuli negatively I explained, chomu. Lecturer in private vous 1 Shevchenko lecture (academon 2 years) got to Serenoa 80 zlotys. Have a day, about 2 lectures I will, in about 40 lectures. Vihodit - 3200 zlotys. Chi is not Mall money for vikladach, right? But hold the phone. universities still Vigne I proste. The Shevchenko lecture englishiyskyy movoyu in academon 2 years lecturer Atria 320 zlotys! Skilki he got in misyats parachute VI vzhe. Plus bootie wildcam in the great holding. vous - the most prestigious. Brother Habar - TSE not tilki, Niseko I protestando, that for themselves vikladach just prosume, vrachati robot first pension through TSE.



zakonchena say: navchannya in Polish duzhe Varanasi od navchannya in Cranach SND. Scitica in Polish prestigious, that shte th promising. After, Yak University zakonchite VI, VI Otremba degree ?C zrazka I can pracowali there vsogo Evrosouzu!

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Author: World of translation
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