What is colon cancer?

World of translation : Medicine
, 13:40

colon Cancer is a disease in which the tissues of the colon are formed malignant cells. The colon is part of the digestive system (GI) tract of man. The digestive system removes and wswaael vitamins, nutrients, fats, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins and water from food and provides the body's excretion of harmful residues. The digestive system comprises of esophagus, stomach, small intestine and colon. The first 130-150 cm of the colon is called colon. Last 17-18 cm represented the rectum and the anal canal, ends anal opening (anus). To read more details about cancer of the colon and to consult about its treatment, visit the doctor-the proctologist Tkachenko Fedot G.: .


As age and illness can affect the risk of developing colon cancer?

Any factor that increases the likelihood of cancer is called a risk factor. The presence of risk factors does not mean that the person is 100% will develop cancer, and the absence of such factors is not a guarantee of avoiding cancer. People who believe that they may be at risk, should consult a specialist.

risk factors include:

  • Age 50 years or more;
  • the Presence of close relatives of cancer cases are a direct or colon;
  • Transferred the patient earlier cancer of the colon, ovaries, rectum, uterus, or breast;
  • the Presence of colon polyps (benign growths of the mucous membrane, having the form of protrusions);
  • the Presence in a patient of ulcerative colitis (ulcers of the mucous membrane of the colon) or Crohn's disease;
  • Lynch Syndrome.

What are the symptoms of colon cancer?

Likely signs of this disease can be a change in the mode of bowel movements and the appearance of impurities of blood in the stool. The cause of these and other symptoms may be colon cancer. But other diseases can cause similar symptoms. You need immediately to address to the proctologist in case of occurrence of any of the following symptoms:

  • the Appearance of blood (bright red or black) in the stool;
  • a Disorder of normal bowel function;
  • Diarrhoea (diarrhea), constipation or feeling of incomplete bowel movement;
  • a change in the form of feces;
  • fatigue;
  • Frequent bloating, or cramps feeling of overflow in the gut;
  • Unfounded weight loss;
  • Vomiting.

Translated by "Yandex.Translate": translate.yandex.ru.

Author: World of translation
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