Subscriber service entities: what does it need?


Not every entity can afford to have legal service on the enterprise, or at least have permanent experienced legal counsel of a specialist in different branches of law. A lawyer with high level of claims for wages equivalent to at least $ 1000 per month.

Attracting the young (and, as a consequence "cheap" lawyer, to demand from him the knowledge of all areas of law and / or assigning to it additional (non-legal) functions leads to distraction from his main work, lack of time and desire to self-education and self-improvement, and as a consequence of the lack of professional legal services to the company.

Lawyers who are willing to work for 300-400 dollars a month, tend to have little experience and for whom work in Your company is the first step in your legal career and their work, the company will not last more than a year.

If you encounter situations that Your lawyer is unfamiliar, he will learn from Your experience, even by trial and error, and, consequently, getting them the experience can be very costly to Your business.

Over time, the motivation for work is too small and You may find yourself in a situation where You have put before the fact of dismissal and the urgent transition to more interesting and better paid work. But even elementary knowledge of labor law enough not to work out stipulated by the legislation 2 weeks!

the Best way for a small or medium-sized companies - integrated on the basis of the contract with the law office.


the Main advantage of a subscription service is:

  • savings - the cost of subscription service is almost related to costs for the rental of a young lawyer, there is no need to equip individual working places, payment of his subscription for legal publications, to search the legislation database (saving up to 3000 rubles a month);
  • the
  • stability is a permanent legal consultant, independence from its schedule of holiday (vacation) or temporary health problems (being sick);
  • the
  • konfidentsialnosti - the ability to obtain specialist advice, about where the enterprise will not know;
  • the
  • professionalism - the possibility to receive consultations of different specialists in different branches of law.

Translated by "Yandex.Translate":

Author: World of translation
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