Alami: s scho predstavlyayut itself, de used
Alami - TSE roscini powerhave-active recover (PAR) fluoride organic roschinka. Process alamronny polega nanesen in PAIRS-FLUORINE to the surface, wherein a thin balloon outwards molecules, POV'yazanyh s surface by the power chemisorbs. Chemisorption - TSE Pollyanna recover W navkolishn of seredovischa, s otvorenim Hmong, spalook. By the way, pridbati Alami VI can sit compan "Leotek": .
theMethods obrobki:
the- aerosoli;
- ultrazvukovy;
- cold (vykorystovuyutsia in rdcny vipadkah);
- the designs available ACCOR ;
- nieaktywny hot method.
Priznachennya alamronny
Alumnus of skladi vykorystovuyutsia for obrobki surface s Mehta desagana such polphonic of wastewaste material, the Yak:
the- zbilshennya snootyness RSNA vidv instrument;
- zbilshennya resource wuslu tertia;
- paviment volovshchina, Garopaba antikorodin;
- zmenshennya vbrazil the noise;
- Zahist od CVL I saw.
VSI polpenno respectively to prizvodit to prodovzhennja termno service, paviment tochnost of work I natinst obramlenie material.
theField zastosuvannya:
the- Virobnictvo - obable instrument (prasowy, riuchi, shtampovanny), system, smasana obladnannya;
- Radotina - drukowane pay, McRae, mcroskey;
- Medicine - obrobka instrument;
- INSHI, spherical - sports nventor, music nstrument, pokrittya minerals I camenu.
Pdprimstvo in technology alamronny vykorystovuyutsia special obladnannya s, Araguaney specifci I minds].
theUstatkuvannya for manual problems alamronny:
the- Most from 1 to 20 ltrv - vegetable z naravo Stal, priznachena for obrobki, drukowanych boards, instrumentu, parts z dorogina metal;
- Ultrasonic installation from 2.5 to 20 ltrv - vykorystovuyutsia for achishena I alamronny instrumentu, drukowanych boards, gumotehnichnih vyrobu, tverdih I krichka origin, non-metallic materials;
- Installing from Fig mastil the first oil - zabezpiecza the structural and operating temperature sticksthe oils;
- Installation for obrobki mcrobert, Yak conduct three Procesi - Snegireva, alamronny I termoficare;
- Installation for serial mashinobudivna] - dozvola odnochasno, wykonujace alamronny I technologiczne, Procesi equipment details.
Alami toil duzhe a high smokeyou pronikayut statstg, pluka s whether yakih pournami scelotes mcno, dopomogi z legkostju, wykonujace remontni robots.
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