The principle of work Nadina systems vodopoi


In our article mi pogovorim about the system promislovo vodopoi the principle I work I respost us about TSE Pavlov A. K. - spivrobitnyky compan SK GRUPS": .


Promislove vodoochistka when Sabor VOD W sverdlovsy

Water podayte pid pewnym a tisk, podatsa won through sapro rebar. Poristosti stki mehanna fltr valid from 800 mcron. Tisk in the system has got booty not less then 2.5 atmospheres. On this Etap be aerata, if the water musicout moping, the way strong abduwani powtran. VIN podatsa in the pid system pressure, and a signal about the supply of Yogo, daє carovani sensor. Immediately pid hour Aeras, okissa antishock salts salsa, and dwellers Yogo usnote, water now need vdvluc scho I vdbase further in fltr for vidalina salsa.

After water addition prognaut through fltr h cation resin for POM, Aksana. Yakscho device vimage vbnewline, water puskayut using a different fltr and Danian device yde on vbnewline. For tsogo system zabezpecuje tank-vanovna, de always je Nepogodov tabletove SIL.

After vsih Tsikh etapu Mauger Buti school one mehanna cleaning in order dwellers, uzunali Maglev wakoli zasypok from poperedni etapu. Here vzhe of Rosmer stki scho fltro becoming n atlesat mcron.

Razi neophot, nezarazene vykorystovuyutsia ultrapolite desinfector. After addition of water can further podujatia krzewow spozhivachiv. Sudi state supra fittings on avarin the case. That is when vihod jogos fltr ABO pipes scho DOUT z z fret of water can Prakriti I dermatopathy system. Yakscho water spozhivachiv potrebna 24 years na dobu apartments, in order obov'yazkovo system postachayut objednal valves, in the case of the launch of VOD in obhd ochino system in Razi , breakage, or repairs.

domashnih umbach, may dodati tonkokostny device pid for the wash modernogo producing pitno VOD. Such a system Buda figure out the water from shvidky putora two cubes of water on the hour.


To the standard set vodopoi this includes tadalisa sche:

  • Other mehanni fltr;
  • Sensor vidcast flow;
  • Solovy drovnik;
  • Nakopychuval.

Danian specific butt in SMOS, obrabeci water W nastepnie whanki parameters: hard domski not bilshe p yati Milgram on ltr, gerstle not bilshe 15, colorist in rayon 30 degrees, Sol salsa not bilshe one Milgram on ltr. All TSE working at temperatur VOD from 5 to 35 degrees.

by the way, usage vodopoi Kotelnich installations takozh got obmezhennya for mill drive. So far no skin fltr Mauger, pracowali z paracou water. Also, it should be remembered pam skin spozhivachiv scho . neporochnoe rule. Device, yaky Mauger ochischati Garasu water, Mauger ochischati , " garaco the cooler water. The divice yakscho, napriklad Magneti POM, accuvac, pratsyuє tilki h cold water, VIN Mauger, pracovat tilki s her. I always svitati your attention should be on shvidki stream I number of Vihrova potoku Seredin pipes. Not all fltri may pracowali z respratory water.

System for obrobki VOD zi, sverdlovsy often rablet mobilnimi. Sverdlovka water got wlasciwosci zminyuvati z hour, ( I rizik ' in resultat mnati ACS, ATAPI ABO W paremmat ociso system. Professionals, that RETROPLATE system ocimene, duzhe often may for bazhannyam of zimovnika Sami ), a montonati, paklausyti to water, Sewerage and electric. Bitrate on system voodoo I ocimene VOD in samskola adobes it should be zakladatel in kostoris shte on Etap, proektuvannya private adobes. Monteluci system, need not zabuvati scho poruch z MSAM installation Pavin bootie dostupn outlet s stress at least 220 volts.

Blesst, ochisni systems, retroblast today so, dwellers of zvesti truchana lyudin in obrobku to minimumu. Tobto navti vbnewline cartridges vdbase in automatic regim. Ludin need tilki sadati option. That is, through yaky warsak hour it should be vanbrunti cartridge, ABO through ACIS Ob m VOD guilty zapuskatsja Danian mehanizm.

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