What is a retro transaction

World of translation : Education, History
, 19:34

Strip retro cable, which is to a twisted decorative wire in the braid is the most spectacular method of installation of external wiring in houses made of wood, and thus allows to preserve the natural texture of the walls. Electricians often combine this cable with the TV cable, made from wood , specifically: the main line doing in ducts along the ceiling or baseboard the baseboard of the floor and the vertical pipe sockets and switches - retro cable contrasting or neutral color, thereby advantageously emphasizing the texture and shade of wood.

All the details in interior design is very important, especially if you need to place the emphasis on style. Often, choosing the biased elements, people forget about the appearance of the wiring. Preferring you will not regret it, because it does not need to hide , and an abundance of patterns and colors of silk braid will give a log home a special charm, making this vintage style more natural. This wire is mounted a public method that is less costly for the "hidden" wiring, it is much easier to repair without affecting the exterior.

day after Day electrics retro wins the hearts of more and more people, now it is gaining momentum both in the interior "antique", and most modern designs! Surprising is the fact that no matter what subject retro electricians you choose, it will look out of place always.


How to mount outdoor retro wiring

today quite popular is laying in a wooden house outdoor wiring. This is done by retro-cable, which lay on insulators. In the end, due to retro-wiring your house looks unique and very stylish. It is the details of the decor (and even minor) all add to the beauty and finished look. Thus, to date, retro-wiring is a great decision for your home interior, which needs to be thought out all the details, down to the last detail.

Translated by "Yandex.Translate": translate.yandex.ru.

Author: World of translation
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