Medical certificate 086: free or for money?

World of translation : Medicine
, 16:42

opening campaign continues, and therefore the hype in clinics, where abiturienty receive medical certificates for admission to universities. Some clinics offer people to simplify the process for a fee, according to the journalist "Evening Moscow" Natalia Kozachuk. Medical is a mandatory document for submission to the admissions committee of all educational institutions. To get it, the applicant mustn more than one hour and not one day to spend at the doctor's office, because you need to get the conclusions: the therapist, neurologist, surgeon, otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, and Drew. Some Moscow clinics offer people simplify this process, but on the condition that the medical facility will be made a donation.

In OblasTnom health department condemned such cases and advised to report them to law enforcement. Said the deputy director of the health department of the Moscow State Administration Irina Nightingale. Donations - a voluntary matter. The hospital can deliver to this box, or it runs a charity fund in the territorys Hospital. But it is only at the request of the person, and extortion - is an illegal action). In Russia, for a long time there is a discussion about the appropriateness of a medical certificate to the applicants. Many consider it an anachronism of the Soviet period and recommends to cancel. But the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation did not support this idea, notingwillows, that the rejection of such a reference would lead to negative consequences.

Well, if you look at the situation more broadly today, when everything lacks neither strength nor time - sєkonomit a lot of time and nerves for a modest donation - is not so and a bad dream. Well agree Dangle tselymi days by different doctors, take a bunch of tests and waiting for their results, not everyone wants to. Well, of course if you do not do what you love and people in white - you can disprove my words and get it yourself -).

Author: World of translation
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