The history of the wedding dress

World of translation : Psychology
, 23:20

For any woman's wedding dress is a symbol of purity, her happiness and sincere intention to devote a lifetime unitsinstvennomu man. Without exaggeration wedding dress - the most important and significant element in creating the image of the bride. Thus, it can be: long or short, a magnificent flowing, can have a rich finish or a simple cut. In 2 words it can be what it wants to see the bride. But did you know that a wedding dress in nyneshnem its kind, there are only a couple of centuries. Before that, it looks radically different. It is about the evolution and history of the most important attribute of a wedding, we'll talk in this article. A possible site


The first prototypes

1st Prototypes wedding dresses can be found by reading the description of everyday life of ancient Rome, Egypt and Greece. In ancient Greece, was the bride's outfit, which was called peplos (a long piece of fabric with 2 buckles). At the head of the bride throws a yellow robe, symbolizes happiness and the sun. Egyptian wore a wedding kalaziris (shirt, made of 2 rectangular polotnisch with 1 or 2 wide straps. In ancient Rome, the bride wore on her head a scarlet veil and wedding dress consisted of 2 Tunic with a high neckline and long sleeves.

XV century

1st mention of Dress , that was manufactured specifically for the wedding wasof the 15th century. The most fashionable style then considered "kotardi" with a V-neck, high waist and long sleeves. Traditional   then were purple or red outfits.   Then the fashion was pregnant at the time and fashionista complement their wedding Dress patch "bellies". Abouttime bride complemented Henin - hat, which could reach 1 meter in height, and looks like a tower. To wear it, the bride was walking down to lower his head. Compulsory Henin was adorned with a veil to the floor (often veil was made of silk).

XVII century

In the 17th century (Baroque) in fashion exuberance and splendor decorations. This trend was reflected in their wedding clothes. The most popular colors are: yellow, gold and coral. Features Dress :

  • balonoobrazny sleeve;
  • a wide neckline;
  • narrow waist;
  • richnd decorated with lace, pearls, ribbons and even flowers.

An important attribute of the wedding dress was considered a lace collar. If the bride was getting married for the second time (in the case where the 1st husband died), it picked up less luxurious outfit   dark colors, in memory of the first husband.

XVIII century

In the 18th century, fashion was fan-shaped lace collar (collar "Medici"), and do Dress adorned with gold and embroidery . The color scheme was very diverse and became popular pastel colors. And women often marry commoner in gray Dress s.


Features a wedding Dress Rococo were narrowed corset and fluffy skirt-petticoat. Indispensable attribute of a wedding Dress was a plume length is determinedtatus bride.
end of XVIII - the beginning of the century XІH

In the late 18th and early 19th centuries were the first wedding Dress white. For example, altering wedding dress, empire dictates the fashion. Flirty lace and splendor alternate on the severity of forms. Wedding Dress Featuresakterizuetsya most high waist, short puffed sleeves and draperies. Sew costumes used light flowing fabrics. Out of fashion corsets.

nineteenth century

Next menyadas fashion very quickly, and every decade followingManufacture make their own adjustments. Thus, in the early 19th centuryfashionable silk lace decoration was golden-amber color. In the 20-30-ies (in the era of Biedermeier) wedding dress has a low neckline and puffed sleeves. Thanks sewn into the hem of "roll", at Dress was a bell-shaped form. And certainly hiding under the skirt crinoline thatHe helped keep the magnificent form. In the 30-ies became fashionable decoration orange flower - fleur-d'oranzh. The 50s became popular Brussels lace. Towards the 90th year will melt more fashionable tight skirts and wider sleeves Gigot. Atlas dyushess is the most popular material.

Art Nouveau era

With the advent of the era of modern wedding dresses will melt more closed, but they are shorter - so dress barely covers her ankles bride. Fashionable becomes a stand-up collar. After the 1st World War II, Coco Chanel makes a revolution in fashion (she offered very brave at the time dress with a long train behind and a short skirt to the kneea). In the 50s thanks to Christian Dior skirts are in vogue again in the 60's current ceases "mini", but closer to the 80s again stayut long fashionable styles.

Our days

Now the fashion is even more volatile than before, and well-known designers every year encouraging all new collections. In addition to theOn now do not have any strict canons, and she can safely choose themselves what is right for her.

Author: World of translation
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