Which apartment prefer

World of translation : Construction
, 23:03

You have collected the money and want to buy their own homes, but tortured you a question: what better second homes or new? You are not aboutdays - this question is raised by almost all choosing an apartment. According to most experts is better to buy a house is still in the building. Let's look at the main advantages of this property.

We all know about the problems with the documents, which is very often associated with the purchase of second homes. This often happens in the case of the apartments, whichs bought and sold many times. Therefore, in order to exclude possible claims to the apartments by the relatives of their former owners by buying their need to carefully examine the whole history of the operations that were carried out with them before.

From this point of view, building a huge advantage on the secondary housing . So, if you budete buy an apartment in a new building, you are 100% sure it « clean & raquo ;, since you will be its first owner. At the same time you save time and money, as does not have to spend studying the history of the apartment.

It is also very common in the secondary housing problems with the failure of sewerages and bad wiring. Of course, you will also not be happy and cracks that may appear on the wall of your apartment. The difficulty is that when viewed from the apartment to see the possibility of such problems in the future is difficult. In Conca all such problems can appear at the most inopportune moment to you.

But if you buy an apartment in a new building, you save yourself from such problems. To date, the construction of new buildings use the most advanced materials and technology as a result, in comparison with old houses, new buildings have a high sound and heat insulation, reliability and so on. D.

Today, buildingsbuild, often in areas with a very well-developed infrastructure, in particular, . will agree that it is very comfortable and pleasant to be near his home clinic, pharmacy, shops, schools and others.

Also new is a huge advantage over the houses of the old buildings in its planning. You will never be crowded in the Islandsconstant, in the kitchen and other rooms of buildings. This also applies to the balconies - in new buildings, they are large and they are very comfortable.

One of the important advantages of new buildings is also a fluctuation of their value during construction. So at the beginning of the construction price of 1 square meter buildings are often much lower than its stoimosminute after construction. So, you can really save if you have invested in the initial stages of construction.

You can buy second homes renovated, but it may not be 100% fit your taste. For all this, often, people notice this discrepancy was not immediately but only after a certainth time. So, remodel repair pity, because he quality, and considerable funds were spent. As a result, people living in these homes, and do not realize their fantasies and desires.

But buying an apartment in a new building, you can make it a renovation, which will fully meet your preferences andtaste.

So, apartment in new building has absolutely all the necessary components to create it a success, new life.  


  • The modern layout;
  • Neighbors equal social status;
  • Comfortable apartment and environmenther environment;
  • New communication;
  • Ability to save;
  • The absence of dubious past.

Author: World of translation
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