How to write a report on the practice?


Depending on the specifics of student learning, database features practices, experience of the organizations of practices in higher education or for other valid reasons, the program writing the report may be missing certain sections or may be proposed by others. It is advisable to be.

The content sections of the report of the Practice

In the "Introduction" must specify the rate, direction PrepPreparations, specialty (code name), length of practice on the curriculum, can base the practice and their features, the main responsibilities of students and supervisors, trainers, supervisors of the institution, database practices and other matters of a general nature.

Section "Goals and Objectives practices" aretsya one of the main sections of the work, which directs the activities of the teachers during practice. In this section, you must define the goal, and all the tasks that are put in front of students. For junior courses during the first practice, one of the problems may be that students receive basic information about their chosen profession (qualification) Ave.ofilyu learning and mastering the basic skills of professional activity.

Thus, the wording of the program goals and objectives of the practice should be based on a content analysis of the subjects of the curriculum and determine its list of the knowledge and skills that have to master students in practice, as and an appropriate stage, and during the entire study at the university. Clearly and reasonably defined in the program goals and objectives of the practice make it easy to monitor the implementation of practices and promptly make the necessary changes.

Unit "Literature" should contain a list of literature kotoRui students need to learn in order to enable them to implement a program of practice. This should be the literature, scientific university library or on the basis of practice: normative materials, descriptions, visual aids, and the like. List of textbooks should be minimal in terms of nomenclature and strictly necessary and actually teachesyvat time reserve, which can allocate students to study them during the internship.

The section "Contents of practice" is the main part of the report. It is necessary to explain in detail and specifically all measures necessary to achieve the goals and objectives for the practice of this profession and this stepand training. Based on the features and capabilities of the bases of practice, it is advisable to give an indicative list of places (positions), which can extend the practice of students. In this section, it is advisable to give a rough estimate of the time required to perform certain tasks in the program.


Quite often during practice, students are involved in the administration to provide assistance based practice. In order for this work was organized, the possibility of using students to help based practices should be defined in the program, indicating that the nature of such work shouldstrictly conform to the profile of training and duration not interfere with educational problems.

Author: World of translation
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