Missing vertex shaders

World of translation : Computers
, 18:20


The theme about shaders is touched not by chance, because many "teakettles" (and not just "teakettles") have no idea what it is. But you may have many problems, associated with the absence of these shader shaders. And the first one is - the impossibility to start favorite games, even on powerful computers. So, let's look!
The problem with shaders usually occurs in one case - after a complete reinstallation of the operating system. Especially if you are installing a clean "Windows," that is running with a minimum of drivers. Naturally, during the post-installation, you complement the system with necessary drivers: either from Internet, or from disc with drivers. But at the moment when you start the game, you can see that instead of running, the system informs you that there is "no vertex shaders" in the system. In this running of the game is over.

shadersFirstly, what is shader? It is such a special software addition to the graphical editor, in other words - to your graphics card. And without such programs the game will not start. The main function of the shader - recognition of game objects and then a logical reproduction in the game. In general, over time you will realize the value of shaders more globally.

Secondly, you can have a big snag with regard to solving a problem with the absence of vertex shader. Why? Yeah just because you are unlikely to find in the Internet the information to restore the missing shaders on your hardware. I have to say: that you will not succeed in downloading of shader shaders and installing them, because it is simply impossible to do this - separately there are not shaders for sale! The most interesting thing is that, when searching for an answer to the problem, you just told what are shaders, what is their function, and so on and so. Moreover stretch the article in the whole lecture, although could be said in ten sentences. I will say it's much easier: absence of vertex shader is directly related to the absence... of necessary driver for your graphics card! Yes, you can download the driver, but there is shadersanother question: do you know which driver for your graphics card you should download? Do not hurry up with the answer: you do not know! Install the driver at random - is fraught with unfortunate consequences up to OS reinstallation. Therefore, the task of finding and installing drivers can be significantly ease and even be automated. Such well-known program, as DriverPack Solution Lite (heard, I hope) will help you with this. We go to the browser, type DriverPack Solution Lite in the search engine, click on "Search" and we get on the official site. Downloading a lightweight version of the program, that is exactly DriverPack Solution Lite, which shaders"weighs" only about 8 MB (there is also a full version, which weighs a couple of gigabytes). Download it, install and run. Do not disable Internet! Once the program starts, you will be connected to the correct page and shaderprogram will offer you to check the system for the presence and absence of the drivers. You need to agree. Once the scan, you will see the drivers that you have not. Program again prompts you to download the driver and install it. You need to agree. And then everything is simple: after installing the drivers your games will be running again, as missing shaders will appear in your system, along with the appearance of the required driver.

Author: World of translation
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