Eiffel Tower


Eiffel Tower

Eiffel Tower was called - A  sad street pole, by Parisian painters after its opening. They considered this structure a shameful stain of Paris. And this despite the fact that at the time of construction tower costs about seven million francs.

Eiffel TowerSimple Parisians were more restrained in their judgments and many of them even liked tower. After the opening of Tower which was designed by architect Gustave Eiffel, crowds of citizens came to look at the new symbol of the French capital. In the first five months the tower have visited nearly two million people, so much of the construction costs paid off pretty quickly.

The construction of 18,038 individual parts

Eiffel Tower at nightJust over two years it took the builders to build a tower of the 18,038 iron elements and 2.5 million rivets, without which we can not even imagine Paris now. The tower was conceived as a symbol of the century of French Revolution, and its opening was timed to the World Exhibition in Paris in 1889. 3000 workers lifted by winches finished parts and fastened them one above the other, until they reached the height  of 324.82 meters. In the late 19th century, it was the tallest building in the world, and only in 1930, the headquarters building of Chrysler Corporation in New York was able to surpass this record (his achievement Chrysler Building held just a couple of years).
the Eiffel TowerBut the Parisians do not care in what place among the highest buildings of the world is the Eiffel Tower today. They just love their symbol on Champ de Mars, which is more than a century rises over Paris and is as important for the capital of France, as the Champs Elysees, the Louvre or Notre Dame. And they love its architect who designed the parts of not less famous Statue of Liberty, which traditionally met anyone who comes to New York by sea.

the Eiffel TowerLet us return to Eiffel Tower. With viewing platforms at 57, 115 and 276 meter tower offers visitors a grand view of the city. But there is also another glory in a symbol of Paris. Its height is about 400 meters became like a magnet, and attracts suicides. Growth of the number of suicides has forced Eiffel Tower observation platformsthe city government to fence exits and viewing platforms with a gratings to prevent more suicide attempts.

Eiffel Tower observation platform on three levels

Eiffel Tower observation platformsOddly enough, but a lot of people are afraid of climbing the tower by elevator. During lifting you can enjoy views of the city, because it offers a excellent views of the many famous attractions. But on the second floor you can climb by foot - to do this you needs to overcome the 704 metal steps. Before the eyes those who climbed to the tower opens view on the sea of Parisian rooftops. Those who want, can also drink a glass of real French champagne in the Eiffel's Tower bar.

Eiffel Tower elevatorAnd at the very top of the tower, where a glass elevator goes, has been preserved in the original office of the architect Gustave Eiffel. Here you can see the wax figures that help visitors to travel back to the era of the life of the creator of the tower. In the figures can be found Eiffel himself, his daughter Claire, and the American inventor Thomas EdisonEiffel Tower at night.

Eiffel Tower at night is beautiful illuminated, sparkles and glitters. From time to time it is used as an advertising medium. And on New Year near it launching fireworks to the sky.

Video: " Eiffel Tower - a complete overview"

Author: World of translation
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