What is elekrovelosiped


Until then walked progress? &Raquo; - Sang the main geroh one children's film. A result of the progress is that in addition to the really important discoveries and achievements and we got a lot of problems in the form of gas content. Stream of cars on our roads, entailed a growth of harmful substances in the air that is already becoming a health hazard. And what about the big cities, their is infinitelable traffic jams at rush hour. It would seem a paradox, people have their own transport spends more time on the road than without it. If you count the time spent in traffic jams, the faster it would be on foot or by bike. And today is not in vain in many cities in developed countries the people have successfully used this mode of transport. Bicycle, one of the few vieDov transport, has not lost its popularity from the date of invention. The only difference from the usual elekrovelosipeda is available elekrodvigatelya, battery and controller. The very idea of ??a bicycle equipped with an engine is not new and there was almost simultaneously with the invention of the bicycle.

In 1888, John Dunlopinvented the pneumatic tire, thereby improving the safety of movement. Since the development of electronics has led to the development electric bicycles. Many cyclists say they can ride a bike each, is not always true. There are many reasons not in favor of the bicycle (physical effort, the age barrier, health problems, notneed for change to come to work). But   all of these problems disappear with electric bicycles, add here the possibility of parking, and the absence of emissions into the atmosphere and get a perfect transport for the citizen. By the way, if you are a resident of the capital and decided to purchase this miracle of technology fluctuating between $ 300 - 2500. Below , consider all the advantages of this mode of transport.

The advantages of electric bikes:

  1. Registration is not required in the SAI;
  2. Save time when traveling;
  3. Cost (to charge the battery mYou can from the network and charging reminds charge from a mobile phone);
  4. Protection of the environment;
  5. Quiet;
  6. The ability to overcome obstacles without additional physical activity;
  7. Ability to useas simple as a bicycle instead of using an electric motor.

Today the production of electric bikes have been delivered to industrial flights, but for those who « gold hands » it is possible to make such a miracle transport, improve your bike, and there are all conditions.

And to summarize what has been said earlier, it's safe to say that for electric bikes in the future development of urban transport.

Author: World of translation
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