Individual report on the practice of


Each student at the end of practice to be writing indidual report. By the way, if you need, but you for some reason can not write it - you will help the company « Faculty & raquo ;, which will perform it for you at the highest level.

The structure of the report on the practice

The work itself consists of several parts that Yawlyayutsya mandatory. These are: the title page, introduction, main part, conclusion, bibliography, as well as applications.

As a rule, title sheets drawn up according to the pattern in which the change data of the student and the name of the company.

In the introduction, indicate the name of the organization wherestudent practice was passed, the period of practical training, as well as written assignment to practice.

In the main part of the description of the structure do, activities of the company, goals, tasks facing the organization, as well as performance evaluation. Having started the main part of the report, shortlyto write the history of the company, and then describe the characteristics of the organization and its subsidiaries. To do this, there is a need to familiarize the student with a set of documents of the company.

If there is not a small number of tables, charts, graphs, you can transfer them to another section called the  applications.

Written finished report should be carefully explored summarizing the work done by formulating conclusions which must be described in the section - the conclusion, which is an important part of the report where the student describes the results, objectives and recommendations.

is not necessarily part of the TSSETA is an application in which you can add some copies of the documents the organization, graphics, various tables and charts that will give greater visibility to the report.

Before you take and use the documents of the company, you need to ask permission of administration of the company.

Author: World of translation
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