Velvet Touch Lipstick from the Danish company Gosh


In the world of cosmetics one of the most preparednnyh bases for further development and has had a Danish brand GOSH. This is explained by the fact that at the time of the first cosmetic products under the brand GOSH (approximately in the second half of the '70s - early 80s of the twentieth century), the company is a fairly well-developed, equipped with advanced technology and staffohm, pharmaceutical company. It is thanks to the work of specialists GOSH, the world can now enjoy such popular cosmetics like mascara for hair-powder shadow, different lip glosses, and so on. N. The main advantages of GOSH are:

  • constantly expanding the range and color paliters;
  • absence in the various stabilizing agents and flavorings, it is highly hypoallergenic;
  • production under environmentally friendly;
  • high quality, which ensures many years of pharmaceutical experience.

are quite popular among our women is lipstick production GOSH - VELVET TOUCH. Its name, which translates as "velvet touch", as well as possible transfers all the feelings that it is going through the owner. It has a more intense and saturated effect in terms of colora. A similar effect is possible due to the higher concentration of pigments that determine the color of lipstick. Furthermore, in the VELVET TOUCH includes various vegetable oils, vitamins and minerals that create an additional protective barrier.

Author: World of translation
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