What do we know about this dialect of the English language, as Dengish


The Royal Guard in London: "That's a very brave proposal "

Bad English has long been an international language, then the Germans have nothing to hide. However, columnist Peter Littgert cautions, pitfalls await us at every turn. If the British" slightly concerned "(slightly disturbed) or his" tiny problem "( small problems), says "I almost agree" (I almost agree) – thenSuch cases are often threatened by these troubles.  

care whether someone that is used for communication between people — &Laquo; pidgin English » or rough and clumsy English, honed or lazy British American English? It seems there is only a man was good. The fusion of brieTang and the US "International English" is the language of communication throughout the world, but linguists and teachers call it "English as a Foreign Language" (English as a Foreign Language) or short EFL. And sometimes even mocking BSE (ie "Bad Simple English", that is « bad simplified English »).

DIn order that all the EFL always identified with the original English, I was shown a small talk at the reception in a Bangkok hotel:

The Visitor: "Have room?"
The administrator: "No room."
The visitor: "Nebbelei."

How Nebbelei?

I like it a lot like a variation" never mind ", which is often used Asians, but something is and on the expression" mai ben lai "in Thai. Both have about the same value (& laquo ; no problems & raquo ;, « nothing terrible ») – but English speakers immediately give up, anyway, if clyshat word Nebbelei the first time. Their hearing is perceived as a kind of gibberish, zvukopodrazhayuschee derivation. Just as for us Germans, funny nedoslyshannaya phrase "Anneliese Braun" (instead of "All the leaves are brown") from the song "California Dreamin" could be « beaten » designation « Fall »:

" What's your fave season, mate? "
" Anneliese Braun. "
" Smashing! "

A current example of really existing language abracadabra in our German-English language space is, by the way, the name of the shower head, which was invented by Stefan Raab: the name "Doosh" – andEach Member who does not speak German, understands it as "Douche" (from "Douchebag"), which in turn means « idiot, fool ».

Here is a Nebbelei!

Recently, a British journalist Michael Skapinker asked in the newspaper « Faynenshel Times & raquo ;: « Who Owns EnglishYi language in this global world? » Based on the statements of scientists involved in EFL, he formulated « article of faith » (&Laquo; orthodoxy ») on linguistic faculties: « English belongs to all – and no longer a British and Americans & raquo ;. So, now owned by English andus.

"A very brave proposal", which means « you out of my mind »

If this is true, then Denglisch internationally recognized dialect of English, which, though not the first time everyone will understand in Bangkok, London or New York, but in contrast it is well understood in T?bingen,Hera and our favorite Hamburg. Many « denglishskie » connotations are not recorded in any official English dictionary, but they exist in our personal spiritual language archive. I call them « denglitsizmami »:

  • "Public Viewing" – outside Germany "setting (grboth bodies) for the solemn farewell "
  • "Oldtimer" - instead of "Classic car" or "Antique car" (Oldtimers, older model car)
  • "Shakehands" -   instead of "Handshakes" (handshake)
  • "Gin Tonic" - instead of "Gin and Tonic" (gin and tonic)

Translated from the German prepared LyudmilaButcher (Kazan).

Author: World of translation
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