The most famous sights of Vienna


Beauty Vienna for several centuries withprotects the status of European Capital of Culture. In this city at various times lived the richest and most influential people of the world, created the brilliant artists, musicians, poets and writers. The richest and most beautiful palaces, unique churches, theaters, museums and concert halls are located in Vienna. The charm of this city is beyond description. He nonconstantIzhimei alters everyone who is fortunate enough to stay here for at least a few days, and remains in heart forever.

affordable accommodation in these hotels can not be named. For right choice of accommodation should look into location areas. District 1 covers an area within the Viennese ring on the map can be seen very clearly. ZdeSubscribe rate is the highest. Not very different prices and in the surrounding areas, a significant difference begins after the 9th. Affordable are 20-21 area. From here to the center will have to get on the subway, the trip takes about half an hour. Cheap hotels can be found closer to the center, but on special comfort they should not count.If you want to save money, try to make your reservation as early as possible.

Explore the sights of Vienna can be months and after that there is a weight that deserves attention and arouses interest. What do tourists who come to this delightful city for a few days? View famous dostoprimechatelnosminute and do everything possible to come back here again. So, what you want to see in Vienna in the first place?

Sch?nbrunn Palace excluded from this list is impossible. For several centuries, the palace was the seat of the most powerful European dynasty of powerful Habsburg. Luxury, beauty, monumentality – all youcan see at Schonbrunn in abundance. Be sure to allow time to park surrounding the palace, it is very beautiful and interesting. Hofburg – it is the winter residence of the Habsburgs of the same. This complex is also worth seeing. It housed some very interesting museums. Worthy of attention and Belvedere Palace, which is considered one of the most strikingand famous buildings in the Baroque style in the world. But not only that attracts tourists. In the palace is an art gallery, which demonstrates the outstanding works of art of all time. Many experience the joy of children from the Belvedere Garden.

Vienna Opera does not require advertising, it fascinates even those who have never callede listened and did not like classical music. It is impossible not to see while staying in Vienna, a magnificent Gothic cathedral of St. Stephen. If you have time to visit the museums, the choice should stop at the Museum of Liechtenstein, which presents an outstanding collection of masterpieces of European painting. Interesting and Sigmund Freud Museum. Vienna Woods – Placesabout the legendary, beautiful and super popular among tourists and residents of Vienna. Amazing beauty of nature an observation deck, which offers magnificent views of the city, ancient castles, original restaurant - all Vienna Woods.

And be sure to visit one of the many cafes, Viennese sweets and coffee would be no exaggeration to call himselfbubbled delicious in the world.

Author: World of translation
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