"Vechirniy Kyiv" - boat tour on stolic nakrasa in the country in the


CIV live people, that walketh in his street the day I splat in their apartments vnoc. The stench proceduresa, p'yut cava popsat in ops, ablaut in a cafe, povertayutsya Dodoma, ale stink, so I don't drink.. Not stink Pachauri, de stink live. And Vechirniy Kyiv - TSE zagadkova hi s Chim nesravnenno the atmosphere of the theatre.

If you don't want prospace the most important thing at svoa it , then virulite for nezabutniy vrezannymi I dinami in svom rod photos on TL wero stolic.

Navti if You pomestila, poterpite on ogledow excursions a day, Vechirniy Kyiv - TSE brand other Misto, Yak Ceca sustr s You dwellers stimulate I pakriti You.

compan spaventoso expert z istori? Mista (by the way, semovita ogledov excursions on ncni stolic can be on sit ), VI vdrea Yogo - when STL thousands ncna vornicu. Starobin liter I Suchasna neonova pdsva agarta tak znaim vulitsi I plow new halo.

VI ignite when viglyad of aglyamovich maydanchik logo I right beregu vnoc, if pobachiti sakahan liter , Jacka in tuman , nezvychajnyj Adobes z chimeras ABO pdsbe bridges on naberezny Dnipra.

Tilki vnoc TSE SOSM other Misto. Vono prekrasne have be-Yak weather. Ltni DOSCH ABO cabin snegopad - TSE is not pereshkod for excurs stink tilki DataDot latest touch in paltro your emotsii.

VI pochte of betta serta I vtcoa the rhythm of life of Kyiv. TSE bude nagimovich vrazhennya in Your git. Kyiv has nikogo not Sallisaw baguim.


Route ogledov exkurs:

Staroska mountain - Andrei the Church - the Desyatinnaya Church (fundamente) - Kiseki funkular - pamyatnik Volodymyr the Great - Michailowski Golden domes Cathedral - Sofia square Sofii Cathedral, the National Opera of Ukraine - Zolot Gate - Volodimirsky Cathedral - Circus - Kiski National University im. Taras Shevchenko - Bessarabski Rinok - Maidan Nezalezhnosti - Arch Druzhbi Narodiv - the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine - Monument Motherland-Mother - Kiєvo-Pecherska Lavra - slawi area.



Bulo providene held opituvannya middle italv. I viyavilos scho s Nassau "Vechirniy KYIV" stink assaut:

  • Znamenit tsukerki Vechirniy Kyiv s picture on Nezalezhnosti Square. TSE Odin s vsita kartok. the obov Ascoli souvenir for Ulublena them. TSE-spavinaw relish;
  • the Newspaper Vechirniy Kyiv . Najstarsza Duca for ciogodnichnyu day I spill the beans niepopularne newspaper Kyiv. Had founded in 1927 year. In Danian hour is redact roztashuvannya vul.Volodimirska 51-b, circulation 87 thousand primerica. Vechirniy Kyiv became the media partner of the Championship Wrapi Euro 2012;
  • Cafe Vechirniy Kyiv , scho znahoditsya to 2006 rock in Pasai on Khreschatyk. Kiyani has I now pam ataut relish nezavisimogo I pershoho Calistoga of Morozova in CIV recipe yakogo sberkassa in secrets. Vono Bulo Microsim in. I in. Quote: after scritta cafe Vechirniy Kyiv post spaventoso of Morozova in CIV nide truth. Nostalgia to SLS skin times varivas notown, if I dongkou prajogo, povs cava time ... zhodnogo once in svom it meni more not sustrac morozivo, though krepelka similar to those of z Venho.. Poverty we relish ditinstva .

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